Friday, December 16, 2011


This time of year it seems as though we really start getting health conscious.  Is it the idea of a new year is a fresh start or is it that we are disappointed with our will power with Holiday Goodies?  I must say that my will power with the goodies is non-existent and boy can I tell.  I have been off my game the last couple of days.  My motivation and energy level is minimal, my focus is scattered and my balance...well lets not talk about that.  A couple times in fitness class you would have thought I hit the sauce before class but I promise I didn’t!  I may have been a little too flexible with my goals this season.  I am not so disappointed that I indulged but I am pretty ready to get back on the road.  Christmas is not even here yet.  I suppose that is a good thing but I am sure that it won’t keep me from sampling (nobody judge how I measure a sample).
One thing I love about being in a public business vs. a cubicle is social interaction.  I never realized how much of a social being I am, or maybe I just never admitted it to myself.  I am pretty sure my children come by it honestly.  Anyway I love talking to people and lately I have listened to a few people who are having the same type of issues.  I believe I will place it in the peer pressure category or maybe the misery loves company category.  We all know someone who seems to want to squash every bit of success we may accomplish.  And I am sure to some point we all do this to someone else.  Why is that?  Are we so afraid that if someone else is succeeding that we must be failing or are we afraid of being left behind? On the other hand sometimes we feel like someone is constantly trying to “one up” us, kind of like “keeping up with the Jones’” syndrome.  One story I have heard is this person was accused of being selfish because they have so much focus on exercising and being healthy. Can you believe it?  I believe this couldn’t be further from the truth.  If you don’t take care of yourself, you will not be able to take care of anyone else.  Another story is (and this is a very common one) we sit around and talk about the effects of overeating or making not so great choices, “I feel bloated, I am just so tired all the time, I can’t get myself motivated, I’ve gained 10 pounds….” Then if there is one person in your group who is “skinny” and exercises regularly and that person pipes into this conversation it’s like that person is a Nazi! How dare they complain I mean look at them!  First a little defense, these people (the Nazis) are likely working their ass off or taking action for a healthy lifestyle. And, skinny does not necessarily mean healthy just as “fat” doesn’t necessarily mean unhealthy. Relax and let me explain the last part I can feel the rebellion or the excuses forming on that one.  Being overweight definitely takes a toll on your organs but it is possible that a person who is 15 pounds overweight and active has a healthier heart than the 120-pound person in size 2 jeans who leads an inactive lifestyle.  Let’s turn the table a bit…these people (and we have all been on this side, including me) that are measuring themselves against others, we will call them the haters, it is likely they are envious of the “Nazi”(oh now I don’t like calling them that).  If I am sitting here feeling miserable next to someone who is obviously in great shape it is likely that I do not believe that I could be in his or her shoes.  It’s like me sitting in my house (which is currently a disaster) grumbling about anyone whose house is cleaner than mine, you get overwhelmed by the thought of all the effort it will take to get “there”.  Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is just like maintaining a clean house…you always have to work at it.  I have a saying on the wall in the fitness center “just because you don’t see results in a day or even a week, don’t give up.  You may not see changes but every smart choice you make is effecting you in ways you’d never imagine.”  You have to believe in yourself first and once you do the rest falls into place and you have to STOP measuring yourself by looking at someone else. I believe you can do it, now its up to you to believe!
Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 12, 2011


In just a few short weeks the hustle and bustle of the Holidays will be behind us for yet another year.  It seems to go by in such a blur anymore.  So how are you doing on your journey?  The Holidays can be a very hard time to not loose focus.  As you know I am a firm believer in making changes you can live with and to not feel deprived as we make this change.  I actually weighed the other day, I had been putting it off because I knew I wouldn’t like the outcome but as it turns out I am down a pound from the beginning of the Holidays.  If you remember my goal was to either stay the same or loose and just not let it creep up…so far success.  Now to just make it through Christmas!
Next is the New Year’s Resolutions! Do you make one?  The New Year makes it feel like it’s a fresh start what better time for a new you?  I am not talking about fad diets I am talking about lifestyle change.  I get so frustrated seeing people try and then fail at fad diets and sometimes I wonder why it bothers me so much its not like I haven’t tried them all.  I have been coming to a realization lately and I think it may be why the fads (especially the ones that have failed me) drive me crazy.  For the first time I think I have found success and I am comfortable.  I have lost weight before in fact the first time I lost weight I was down about 15 pounds from where I am now.  I was tickled to death to finally buy smaller clothes!  But when the pounds came back (with friends) I felt even worse than before.  I had a taste of not being the “fat” one anymore and I liked it but I hadn’t made changes I was comfortable with I went back to my old ways and before long I was bigger than I had ever been.  So not only did I feel “fat” again I also felt like a failure.  I really feel this time is different.  And I think that is because I am not doing anything that I am not comfortable with, I don’t feel like an outcast when dining with friends, and I don’t feel deprived which I often had in the past.  Its not easy and I absolutely still have days that I want to crawl in a hole and block out the world.  The scales aren’t telling me that I am “normal” still but everything else is, I feel good, my blood levels are in check and I have the energy to play with my kids!  Sometimes not the patience but you can’t have everything. J How about you?  Are you ready to reach the point that you can feel good and live with it? Remember its not about being the skinniest but healthy is good.  Enjoy the season!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Vitamins and Supplements

I attended a Body by Vi challenge party just to clear some info up for me.  I am not saying this is a do or don't for you I want to encourage you to do your research.  One question I had was about the amount of vitamins it contains vs. the amount your body needs.  Some of you may know that when you take vitamins your body processes what it needs and sometimes the rest flushes.  My doctor clued me into this years ago when I decided I really needed to add some vitamins to my routine.  Something you may not know is that you can actually overdose on vitamins.  When you overdose on a vitamin it causes a build up and the build up can cause problems.  This link shows a few and what is the result of an overdose.
there is definitely a lot of information out there and the more you read the more it turns into a matter of opinion.  I posted on my facebook page a couple of links that I like, one of which tells you how to figure the amount of protein YOUR body needs in a day.  No two people are alike so I think it is tough to say everyone should consume 180 g of protein a day.  Another link is an article on Men's Health about overdosing on vitamins.  Although it is in Men's Health I am sure for the most part the same goes for Women.
Back to the Body by Vi....I have not tried any of these products other than tasting the shakes.  I am NOT a fan of meal replacement shakes on a regular basis and if you have read some of my blog you already know that.  I did like the idea that it is motivating some people to make some health changes.  The people that change nothing but replacing meals with the shake are the ones that really concern me.  You are not learning what it was that put you in the position you are trying to change.  I loved the success stories!  What I noticed and what I took from the success stories is that it has lead some people to other healthier habits such as exercise and taking an active role in your health.  And I truly believe that the changes in health happen because this product contains a vitamin that was deficient for these people.  If only they could narrow it down to which vitamin or set of vitamins had the effect and you could tailor that to individuals so you weren't over doing it on the others.  If something is troubling you that you would like to change do some research to find out just what it is that you are not getting enough from your diet.  A few years ago I felt I was suffering from depression, I do not like the idea of popping pills so I did some research and what I found is that often depression is caused by a lack of B & D vitamins and omega fatty acids.  I added a vitamin B complex, a vitamin D and Omega 3 to my daily routine and it is amazing the difference.  When I left the challenge party I was impressed with the vitamins because they all came together and I didn't have to pick and choose to figure out what would work for me.  I also sell a line of supplements and I have always wished that they would have one that contained everything.  Which is what I liked about Body by Vi vitamins.  After my research today I understand a bit better why my line does not offer a "one stop shop" vitamin.  I do have a multi-vitamin but I was interested in combining a couple of the deficiency focused ones.  So my opinion is a little better of the Body by Vi challenge than when I went in but I still am not sold on the idea.  I still believe that you need to narrow down what it is that you need to adjust and focus on that.  We have to learn to live in a better way there is no magic pill. And remember you should always consult your doctor.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Success in Perspective…

I have been racking my brain trying to think of what to write this week.  Seems as though all I want to do is eat! My weight is still stagnating.  Which I suppose I should just be ecstatic that it is not climbing Mt. Everest when all I want to do is eat.  I have all the information and I know and understand how to get off this plateau I just can’t seem to make myself do it.  We started new classes this week, cardio kickboxing and step aerobics. I LOVE both of them and I get to workout with some really great people; win win.  On the 15th we start an aerobics class that will be a variety of different workouts, each class could be something different.  That class is on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8:30, if you are interested you can still join just give me a call.  Workouts are in place now if I can get my eating habits and my workouts to coincide and work together maybe I can get off this plateau.

Since my own successes are minimal this week I will talk about other peoples positive changes.  I overheard a conversation this morning about what is possible now vs. when they first started.  It was said that when they first started they had a hard time lifting the minimum weight on some of the machines and now I see this person lifting 50+ pounds on various machines in less than 6 months! It is a great feeling when you start seeing definition in muscles you thought maybe God forgot to give you. High five to you!
Another great story that I like to share all the time is about my Dad.  I knew opening the fitness center would make positive changes in our community but I never imagined how fast all this would hit home.  My Dad has quit smoking and now uses fitness classes as a social past time.  I must say he looks great for an old man! Just kidding Dad, about the old man part anyway. Humor is great medicine. Also taking an active role in fitness, my sister completed the Des Moines Half Marathon a few weeks ago! Great Job!
A couple other members have lost over 30 pounds each.  I have a Sittercise class on Monday and Wednesday mornings at 9, and I have a couple of amazing ladies that attend faithfully and keep showing positive changes.

It makes me very proud when I hear these success stories and the positive changes that are taking place in the community.  My business is a lot like my health journey.  I consider my business a success because of the great changes people are making even though financially it may not be there yet.  Same with my journey it is a success because I am on it and I am feeling great even thought the weight isn’t there yet.  It’s all about what tools you use to measure.  I am sure you can make that work for anything you are struggling with in life.  Sometimes you just need to use a different tool. I will leave you with a favorite quote “Change your thoughts, Change your world” Unknown

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I don’t know how many of you watch the Biggest Loser on Tuesday nights but last week was proof that you need to change things up.  Last Tuesday was the first weigh in since the group was divided into different teams with different trainers, the week before had several of them in a slow moving zone.  There were some that lost just small amounts of weight and even one who gained 5 pounds!  This time with new trainers every one of them lost a significant amount averaging over 4% for the teams and this is the seventh week.  I don’t know how much more proof we need that sometimes we just have to change things up.  Our bodies tend to get accustomed to our routine and once we get comfortable we stop having as much impact in our change. 

Now let’s all be realistic.  The people on the Biggest Loser have large amounts of weight to lose (as may some of us), have trainers, someone buying and preparing meals, and no distractions of the real world getting in the way of there weekly losses. Losing 8-16 pounds in one week is not a typical loss.  While this show is an inspiration to a lot of people, me included, it is also a bit deceiving.  Who doesn’t want to loose 10 # in one week?  Reality is…loosing 1-2 pounds a week is a great weight loss rate.  So watching Biggest Loser can make the average person a bit impatient with the 0.4 or 1.5 pounds lost each week.  Expecting to lose like they do on the show is setting yourself up for disappointment; you have to keep in mind the different circumstances.  This could lead to excuses…. but this is a No Excuses journey just be real with yourself!

There are two main reasons to vary your workout every couple of weeks. 1) To prevent boredom from doing the same thing workout after workout and 2) to avoid or delay reaching a plateau in workout performance and training results.  Changing your routine can be as easy as doing your routine backwards.  If you start strength training with your upper body first then start with your lower body.  If you do cardio 3 times a week and strength two then switch and do strength three and cardio two.  If you are bored with the treadmill and weight machines try a fitness class (just so happens we have some just starting) or dvd.  I would say to head outdoors but we are losing the pleasant outdoor weather as I write this it is cold and rainy after a beautiful 70s day yesterday. 

Good luck this week and I challenge all of you to try something different!


Seems as though I have hit a plateau.  I would assume everyone knows what I mean when I say “plateau”.  You know when you are constantly improving and then all of the sudden you seem to flat line.  My weight has stayed pretty much the same the past few weeks.  A couple weeks ago I could feel this coming and re-evaluated my goal and my plans to get there.  Well apparently I am not following the plan to well.  I must say that I have arrived at a comfortable place for me.  I have talked to a few people who are in the same place.  Not gaining but not loosing and a little lacking in the motivation department.  I need to get excited about my journey again. 
There are 4 general tips I found to break through this plateau.
  • Reassess your habits. Look back at your food and activity records. Make sure you haven't loosened the rules, letting yourself get by with larger portions or less exercise.
  • Cut more calories. Reduce your daily calorie intake by 200 calories — provided this doesn't put you below 1,200 calories. Fewer than 1,200 calories a day may not be enough to keep you from feeling hungry all of the time, which increases your risk of overeating.
  • Rev up your workout. Increase the amount of time you exercise by an additional 15 to 30 minutes. You might also try increasing the intensity of your exercise, if you feel that's possible. Additional exercise will cause you to burn more calories.
  • Pack more activity into your day. Think outside the gym. Increase your general physical activity throughout the day by walking more and using your car less, or try doing more yard work or vigorous spring-cleaning.
These tips are on the same track as what I have talked about for the last two weeks.  So what is my deal?  You guessed it…. I can read and read and read but until I act on it nothing will change.  I have become pretty loose with my journaling. (And by loose I mean I have not logged my food for days)  I can’t cut more calories because I am already at a 1200-calorie plan.  But by not tracking who knows how close I am to that goal.  I could probably rev up my workout, I have new classes starting now so this could help and I could definitely add some vigorous spring-cleaning to my days.

The number one tip is “Never give up! I am worth all the effort I need to put into this journey and I will continue it.”  Same goes to you! You are worth it too just keep reminding yourself everyday.  I would love to hear some feedback; if you want to share your successes, tips, struggles, etc. I would love to hear them. Drop me a line… is my email or the address is Your Life Fitness 105 N. Main Lenox, IA 50851.  Until next week…

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Holidays are here…

The Holidays are here…kicking off with Halloween candy and not stopping until New Year’s leftovers.  This time of year is probably the hardest time of year (for me anyway) in terms of “healthy living”.  My favorite things about the season are the food and the gatherings with family and friends. I am not willing to give them up.  So how do I plan to maintain this pattern through the holidays?  Well…
It is likely that I will use a few excuses…I know this is a no excuses journey but I am human they will always sneak in occasionally.  And it is likely that I will not drop 10 pounds.  So why expect it?  I am going to set my goals a little more attainable.  I would like to maintain my weight at least.  I know it will fluctuate through the season but if I weigh in on January 3rd I expect for it to be either equal or less than what I started this week.  It is still going to be a challenge but I think that is attainable.  I just have to go in with a plan and always keep it in my mind. 
The overall idea of weight loss is to burn more calories than you take in.  I know there are all kinds of shakes and pills out there promising you that you can loose weight and not change a thing about your daily life.  How many times do you have to “diet” to read that as CRAP?  Yes I have tried them too; who hasn’t?  But I have finally come to terms that the “easy button” really doesn’t exist.  I do believe the success stories for the different programs, what I want to see printed are stories from 3 years later.  So many promise great results and work for a while.  You get all excited and think wow I have finally found my ticket I am going to look great! Then you believe in yourself so much that you are convinced you have figured it out and quit doing the shakes or taking the pills, after all you don’t need them anymore.  The problem is that most people have not fixed what was broken.  You haven’t taken the time to learn what you are eating and what you need to change.  So when you replace the shake of 150 calories with a meal of 300-500 calories your body is thinking “WooHOO a sale I will take one of each color!”
Same thing will happen to me at Christmas…I have been reasonable with my calories and all of the sudden there is a surplus.  The “burn more than you eat” concept is easy I get it.  My problem is making it second nature so that I don’t have to think about it; it just happens.  I have a feeling that may never happen but I am sure it will come easier because it already does.  I can recognize how I feel and know when I have been eating like crap because I feel like crap. And I tend to recognize it before I have 30 pounds to loose vs. 10. Took me a while to get here I think I lost the same 30 pounds 3 times.
I am going to leave you with a few tips that may make the holidays a little easier and save a few calories without passing on your favorites.
1.                  Mashed Potatoes – Use plain yogurt instead of butter; or something my kids like – mix some squash with potatoes adds more flavor without the butter (we call them Halloween potatoes) Careful not to add to much squash if you are not big fans of squash by itself it can take over pretty quick.
2.                  Use a smaller plate – This sounds dumb but it really works.  If you are like me I am going back for seconds regardless.  If I have a big plate I am likely to have as much on one plate as I would have on 2 smaller ones and I am still going back for seconds….I am not filling my plate 3 times.
3.                  Use skim milk for cooking and baking.  I know several people who won’t budge on the whole or 2% milk…guess what if it is mixed in something you won’t notice. And neither will your guests.
4.                  Pumpkin is fat free and low calorie!
5.                  You can use half the amount of sugar in cookies without changing the consistency.
Happy Halloween!


Well I am half way through the first 12 weeks of my journey!  How are you doing with motivation?  If you are like me the motivation is fizzling out about this time and you may have noticed with my articles.  I get a little less enthusiastic…the pep is mellowing.  Maybe you haven’t noticed because you are in the same zone.  You know; you start off with good weight loss and the scales really seem to be moving, you are thinking YES! This time it is going to work and then is slows down a bit, then maybe even goes the wrong way for a couple of weeks, then even when it starts going in the right direction again it is just budging…barely.  You can’t help but get discouraged and start making excuses as to why it is what it is.  Truth is… IT IS WHAT IT IS.  This is kind of a point of either success or fail for me.  Sadly enough I have been on enough diets to recognize this point, I am sure I am not alone.  Thank god this time is a journey not a diet so fail is not an option, right?  So this time and I would assume each time that I have had success I am going to use this as a transition or a time to reevaluate my path to a healthier me.  So my original goal was a loss of 16 pounds in 12 weeks.  We are 6 or 7 weeks in and I am down 8 pounds! Yeah that means I am right on track although I had hoped to be a little ahead because from past experience it seems the less you have to loose the harder it is and I was hoping to have a little cushion.  How ironic I was hoping for cushion on my quest to loose my cushion?  Yep I will admit I just laughed at that thought too. J Anyway…(I get side tracked so easy) back to evaluation.  My weight seems to be right on track but I am loosing a bit of interest or stalling a bit so what goals can I make or steps can I take to re-light my fire?  Well for one I am going to change up my workouts.  I have a Cardio Kickboxing class coming up which I am very excited about.  This will change it up because I will be getting more cardio; lately my workouts have been pretty even with cardio and strength.  I could be a little more consistent with my food tracking, so far I really like the new calorie counter I am using ( seems to be easier to use.  I have had a few more frequent “slips” lately, a few trips to my mother in laws (too bad she doesn’t burn everything or is just a bad cook she has to be really good at it).  I do get some reminders – “What’s the article about this week?” as I shove a cookie in my mouth… moments like those I wonder what I was thinking making this journey a public one. J Truth is it has probably kept me more honest with myself. 
I am going to change up my workouts, what are you going to do to be sure you keep on the right path?  It is always good to examine the processes you are using to get to your goals no matter what your goals.  Also a good tip is to make a series of smaller goals to accomplish on the way to the big one.  This gives you a since of accomplishment along the way.  I am close to the 10# mark I should reach it in 1-2 weeks.  And actually reevaluating made me realize that I am half way there.  I had not really tallied my weekly losses; that helps with the motivation.  Another thing that helps is to encourage a friend on the journey.  Sometimes just knowing you are not alone makes the world of difference and in the process of encouraging them you encourage yourself too.  Ok friends that’s it for this week if you are looking for some encouragement or suggestions feel free to stop in and visit I would be happy to help you out.  Have a great week!

Don’t forget to REST…

This week I have been a bit under the weather which is unfortunate because it has been great weather!  One of the key points in health and wellness that could quite possibly be one of the hardest is REST.  When you see someone who is obviously not at the best of their health the first thing that crosses your mind is they must be lazy.  That is right I know we all say we don’t judge and we try not to but we do and often times we are actually judging how we see ourselves in someone else.  But that is a whole other topic.  Being lazy is part of the problem but it is so often not the case.  These days we pressure ourselves trying to multi-task with so many projects and activities that we often forget to rest and take care of ourselves.  Think about it one of the biggest problems is choosing healthy foods, we often hit fast food places or convenience foods at the supermarket because we don’t have time, the most common excuse I hear to not exercise is “I don’t have time”.  Why don’t we have time?  Because we take on so much and we don’t make time for “the little things”.  Ironically if we would take time to take care of ourselves properly or even half as good as we do now we would be less tired and more efficient at the things expect ourselves to do.

I have had a chest cold that is really kicking my butt for almost a week.  Do you know how much I have accomplished this week?  Very little.  How much do you suppose this could have changed if I would just give myself a break?  How about you? Do you go non-stop all day often skipping meals or grabbing a bite on the run? Skipping your exercise because you have too much to do?  Telling yourself you get enough exercise all day? Back in the day when the majority of the jobs and tasks at hand involved manual labor that was a little closer to the truth, now day’s technology (which I think is wonderful) allows us to do more with less effort, which typically means you are not moving as much as you think.  Maybe you are one of those who do get a lot of movement at your job…Are you at the top of your game? Is your health report perfect?  If not then I would say it is still not enough.  So how do you manage when you don’t rest now and I am telling you that you have to add something else?  Prioritize! Our health and our families should be the first priority.  Unfortunately Bill is always pushing its way to the top.  Oh yes I am just as guilty at this as most and probably more than some.  And guess what we are teaching our children the same lifestyle. 

Ok so enough preaching I hope it sank in for you and me both.  This week I have been trying to rest to try to kick this cold.  I have not made it top priority as I should have been home sleeping for two days straight however I did get to go home one afternoon thanks to my great employees.  I also broke through a plateau in my weight loss with a loss of 2.4.  Rest can do magnificent things.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Looking Ahead

Looking ahead…
Yeah the scales finally slipped in the right direction! And the most exciting part of this journey and writing about it is seeing and hearing from all of you reading this that are taking a journey of your own.  I am a little unsure how this next week will go as I enjoyed a wonderful breakfast from Michaels Foods.  The muffin I added to my plate at the end of the line (as I was reminded of my readers) was excellent!  Thank you!  Had this breakfast been followed by mindful eating I would not be worried; but I followed it up with lunch at The Golden Corral and supper at Grannies.  I did skip my normal second plate of “real” food and went for dessert.  Its funny or maybe a bit embarrassing that I have a ritual at a buffet….2 plates of a variety of meats and veggies and one trip to the dessert section.  What is your routine? Or am I really that abnormal?

Well buffet really isn’t what I sat down to write about today.  I want to write about some exciting things coming up.  First of all thanks to all who participated in the “Healthy Habits Hustle” on Saturday.  Your next chance to get involved with healthy changes is this Friday!  I am sure that you have heard on TV or seen some fliers around about The Healthiest State Initiative.  This is the Governor’s promotion to make Iowa the Healthiest State, we are currently 19th.  This whole promotion kicks off with a “Start Somewhere Walk” on October 7th, which is Friday.  At Noon we are gathering for a 1k walk (0.68 miles) Your Life Fitness is hosting a walk for Lenox and I really hope all of you will join me on your lunch hour.  AND if you are thinking you won’t be in town, as luck would have it you can do this anywhere!  After all the point is for you to kick off some Healthy changes and MOVE! (and maybe pass on my routine at a buffet)  So come join me on Friday at Noon we will start at Your Life Fitness.  This could be the start of your journey or a little boost if you have already started.

The next exciting thing is I am hosting a Total Life Wellness Fair on November 5th.  You will start seeing fliers soon.  There will be several vendors with displays and active presentations for you to participate.  There is a small fee for the presentations but it is free to visit the vendor tables.  Lenox Care Center will be providing free blood pressure and blood sugar checks at their table.  I am very excited about the presentations also.  Ronnie Brit, Midwest Cage Championship fighter and a Diagonal native, will be here to teach self-defense. Janet Ventiecher will be talking about debt management.  Dr. Anna Leonard will be discussing what to look for when shopping for shoes. And I will be talking about healthy lifestyles.  It will be a great day with lots of great information.

I know I talked more about what is coming up than my experiences and challenges this week but I have been working on these events a lot and I am very excited to share them with you.  Keep tracking and stay on your path to healthy living.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What's in a number?

Well this week was better than last but still not what I was looking for…I gained again 0.6.  Of course I was disappointed but I am mentally much better at receiving this than I was last week.  I know I said I was not going to beat myself up about it but apparently that was for your benefit because I was still pretty hard on myself even though I tried to convince myself it was ok.  Do you ever have weeks (like my last week) when it just feels like you are failing at everything and then you step on the scale and its like it screams confirmation at you?  Well that was my first instinct and then I read a comment about my last article that seemed to turn me back in the right direction.  I will share the comment and maybe if you are in the same boat it will change your tune too.
            “Without knowing what books you're reading, I hope they talk about the one real difference between alcohol (or drug) addiction and food addiction: you need food to live! A person MUST come to terms with feeding his/her body, which is different than swearing off alcohol or drugs and never taking another drink/hit for the rest of their lives. It requires a much deeper commitment.
Don't beat yourself up about the weight gain. I saw on Facebook that you've started incorporating strength workouts into your routine and it could just be that your body composition is changing to more muscle and less fat. Don't marry yourself to a number (especially if you are not tracking measurements/inches). Just keep up the good work!”
First the books that I have read do talk about the difference in alcohol and food addiction.  I have just neglected to mention that in my articles, I assumed….We all know what that means.   Anyway they are more discussing changing your relationship with food and your dependency.  They talk about the deeper issues and what such addict is using food for such as to relax or bury your feelings.  The part of this that really stuck is “Don’t marry yourself to the number”  this is something that I advise all the time and have read several times it just so happens this time I was ready to hear it.  So what is the number really?  And why is it that the number on the scale has such an effect?  I have had my blood work done and all my numbers are great except the weight! UGH damn number and the “normal” charts!  Who comes up with that anyway?  After all, the real goal is to be healthy right? So why is it that the number on the scale seems to over power the rest? The rest of the numbers tell me that I am maintaining my goal of being healthy.  Its like this is the last number that I need to change to be perfect!  And we all know that number would make me perfect….ok stop laughing.  Seriously, what is next?  When I reach this number there will be something else that I have to change to “make me happy”.  If you think about it this type of thinking kind of got us here in the first place… “If I just ate one cookie it would stop the craving.”  Hmm if that one cookie was so great two has got to be better” See the snowball?  This type of thinking can be a good thing too like when I was 40 pounds overweight and I would say if I could lose just 10 pounds but when I got there it kept me going to the next 10 pounds until I am within 10 pounds of the “normal”.
When is good, good enough?  Why does it have to be good enough, shouldn’t we always strive for better?
That said, I have made a few changes for this coming week.  I had been pretty lazy with journaling and counting calories so I am back at that and I found a new, more user-friendly tracker.  It is and the food diary seems to be more my type of foods so there is less guessing.  Good Luck this week on your journey to healthy living and I hope to have better news next week.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

hum·ble- adjective - not proud or arrogant; modest: to be humble although successful.

I have been hearing from many people who are reading my article and I love it!  It also makes this one a little humbling to write.  I have had three good weeks of losses and now I have to admit that I have gained 1.6 pounds! UGH….This is where my “diets” always diminish.   If you remember from last week I had a not so good weekend but I didn’t give up like I normally do and have not so good weeks to follow.  Scary to think what it may have been had I thrown my typically pity party.  I am sure I am not alone when I say that when I hit an obstacle in my journey it is hard not to say, “what’s the use” but I guess that is why it is great to be on a journey and not a diet.  If I just pick up where I left off and make good choices most of the time I will be fine after all if it is for a lifetime, I have to give myself some tolerance.
I have been doing some reading about obesity, overeating and food addiction so that I could try to share some wisdom with the masses.  There is some interesting stuff and a lot of it I already am aware but some of it gives a new way to look at it.  The two books that I have read/reading recently are one of overeating and one of food addiction.  Both have similar information in that both compare food to alcohol; the differences are that one linked overeating to emotions and the other links it to chemicals in your body.  In the long run they both run back to emotions.  The book focusing on the chemicals in your body elaborates on the effects of certain substances, such as sugar, four or wheat, on the chemical make up of your nervous system.  I found this very interesting because it is stating that these substances actually create serotonin a chemical in your body that makes you relax, happy, etc.  Makes sense and brings it back to your emotions.  Some of you may be wondering what is the purpose of all of this?  Isn’t this just setting up another excuse?  Could be…if I let it but this is a no excuses journey.  I suppose this is a way of understanding why it is so hard to make the life changes.   What this has clarified for me: There is not one solid route for everyone to take on the healthy journey.  We all have our own way to reach our destination. Is there really is a destination?  That implies that one day it will all be over…well I guess in a way that is true.  The decision we have to make is how we want to feel and how long we want to take to get to the final destination.
There are a lot of events coming up at Your Life Fitness that will hopefully help you in your healthy living path.  October 1st we have the Healthy Habits Hustle a walk run event with distances for everyone.  On October 7th, we have signed on to the “Make Iowa the Healthiest State” Campaign and are hosting a Start Somewhere Walk at Noon; it is a short walk to start you on your road to a healthier life.  On November 5th I will be hosting a Total Life Wellness Conference at the Lenox Elementary, you will see more details soon.  The response that I am getting from writing this tells me the interest is out there and I am going to work hard to make our goals attainable.  Hope to see you there!

Almost forgot the recipe as promised! 
Cheesy Flounder Fillets
1 ½ pounds of flounder fillets
1/3 cup Basic Yogurt Cheese (I used less fat cream cheese and added some skim milk)
2 teaspoons cornstarch (my guess this was suppose to thicken the yogurt cheese)
2 tablespoons grated parmesan
2 tbs fresh parsley, chopped
¼ cup onion minced
1 tbs. Lemon juice
1 tbs fresh dill or 1 tsp dried
Vegetable coating spray
Line the bottom of a 13x9 pan sprayed with vegetable spray with fish fillets. Combine remaining ingredients; spread evenly over fish.  Bake at 350 for 15 minutes or until fish flakes with a fork.

Reviews: Me, not a big fish eater but tarter sauce is a must with it, enjoyed it.  Jr…likes fish does not like tarter sauce didn’t really like it and the kids didn’t like it because Jr didn’t like it.  We came to the conclusion that the mixture was a healthier version of tarter sauce so if you like tarter sauce you may love this. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Life Happens

So here comes the reality of diets…life.  This past weekend we went camping for the Labor Day holiday. Healthy eating was minimal, but this proves why I refuse to diet.  Had I been on a diet and not a lifelong journey I would have looked at the past weekend as a failure.  I would have been disgusted with myself because I didn’t have more self-control and before I knew it I would be looking at weeks of overeating and self-pity.  I am not on a diet and I am not beating myself up.  There are always going to be times in our lives that we are going to slip.  Life’s temptations are relentless and they will always be there the trick is finding a balance that allows us some lenience as well as structure.  Sounds easy enough, right?  I survived a birthday with cake and ice cream I will survive this too.  Last weeks quote “Accept it and move on” rings true once again.  So I had a few cookies and some potato chips, the next 3 days I just have to really mind my p’s & q’s or fruits and veggies.  Don’t forget that lenience is balanced with structure and don’t get too lenient.

Last week I lost another 2.2 pounds! Yeah me that puts me at a total of 5.8 pounds.  So far I am right on target of my goal for the end of 12 weeks.  How about you? Have you set a goal yet?  If not here are a couple of tips.  Always make your goal measurable.  Instead of just saying that I want to loose weight, say I want to loose 20 pounds and set a reasonable deadline.  Most of us are not lucky enough to be able to devote weeks of just focusing on our weight like they do on Biggest Loser.  Don’t expect to loose 5-10 pounds a week.  If you have 20 pounds to loose 10-12 weeks is a reasonable amount of time.  That is 2 pounds or less per week which is a healthy amount.  Remember it didn’t appear overnight and it is not going to disappear overnight.  Give yourself short-term goals that keep you moving to reach your ultimate goal.  It is very motivating to reach goals; it gives you a sense of achievement.  Reward yourself when you reach a goal (and I don’t mean with an ice cream sundae).  Treat yourself to a movie, a massage, a haircut or color, that fishing lure you have had your eye on or an hour to yourself to read a good book.  I think you get my point.  After you set goals make a plan of what you need to do to reach that goal.  Maybe you need to add an extra workout or eliminate a certain type of snack.
After you get your goals set be sure to write them down somewhere that you will see them often.

This week I am going to work on turning more of my favorite foods to a healthier version and I am going to try something new!  I am trying to find a way that I like fish that is not deep fat fried or fish sticks.  I will share next week the results.  What are you going to do this week?

Monday, August 29, 2011

Life Triggers

Well I made it to the end of the dreaded second week.  The second week seems like it is the hardest for me. Apparently I am not alone, if you ever watch the Biggest Loser the second week is hard for them too.  I am pretty proud of this second week…I am down another 1.4 pounds!
As for the book I started reading in last weeks post…I must admit it is a really great book!  The book is called Love Hunger.  It is talking about being an overeater because of life happenings.  Kind of relates it too alcoholism and walks you through footpaths similar to the twelve step program.  Believe me I was skeptical just like you.  The more I read the more I related.  And the more I caught myself throughout the days thinking “Oh wow this is what it was talking about”.  So I guess I am working through the denial stage and on to accepting that I am an over eater.  I eat for everything! Now I am trying to recognize my triggers.  What moods or situations trigger my cravings?  The loss of a family pet, Stormy, has been extremely tough, the kids loved that horse.  It has been hard to avoid stuffing my feelings with chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk.  Thank goodness I would have to bake the cookies first.  Another thing “Love Hunger” has made me realize is that I am a fixer.  I want to fix everything for everyone and when I can’t I over indulge to “sedate” myself or drown my sorrows so to speak.  I tend to carry the problems of the world on my shoulders.  I guess this kind of relates back to the struggling to ask for help.  I make everything my problem and then beat myself up trying to fix it. 

One of my friends gave me some great advice.  He said, “Accept it and move on” and that statement couldn’t be more perfect for my journey.  I have always loved the statement “Accept the things you cannot change; change the things you cannot accept” which fits with the advice from my friend.  I cannot change the passing of Stormy nor can I change the way other people think, feel and act; but I can change the way I handle my own thoughts, feelings and actions.  I have repeated these words (Accept it and move on) in my head several times already. This will be my motivation this week…what things in my life do I need to just accept and move past?  How about you? What situations in your life can you accept and move on?  I am not perfect and while I know that I don’t often accept it.  I am going to work on accepting whom I am at any given moment and that I am striving to be MY best.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Help? Eating Disorder?

Help? Over-eater?

Had a great visit with a friend this week.  As we were visiting she pointed out one of those things that you know but you don’t really think about until it smacks you in the face.  She said, “You don’t like to ask for help” she was absolutely right!  So often in life I feel like if I ask for help I have failed or I will show weakness.  I have to stop myself and think…would I give this advice to a friend?  Sometimes I am my own worst enemy; if it were anyone else would I think this way?  The answer is no; in fact I think a lot of people who can ask for help when they need it.  It shows great strength to ask for help.  So my actual weakness is NOT asking for help.  So why is it we expect to be able to make a lifestyle change alone?  This journey is about making significant changes in my lifestyle.  Sharing it with you is my outreach for help and offer to support you at the same time.

Also on my visit my friend shared a book about being an over eater and recognizing just what it is that you are trying to fill with food.  This was also an eye opener for me.  I guess I never really viewed my weight problem being an eating disorder.  Maybe that has been one of my obstacles that have prevented me from reaching and maintaining a “normal” or healthier weight.  I have just started reading this book and while I do find some things I can relate to I am not convinced that I can label myself with this “disease”.  Maybe I am in the denial stage.  Part of me feels that if I accept that I am an over eater I am accepting another excuse.  Part of me feels that I should be saying: duh.  Like I said I just started the book and I suspect that I have a lot to learn with this one.  Emotions are a big part of my diet.

On a little lighter note…I lost 2.2 pounds this week!  How did you do?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses!!

Oh ya we all have them and most of us have had them for just about everything.  What is funny is most of the excuses we come up with are to convince ourselves that something we are doing or not doing is acceptable. 
            “My house is a wreck because I work so much and I am never there.”  “I just don’t have time to exercise.” “It is too expensive to heat healthy.” “I really don’t eat that bad”  “I am not losing weight because I don’t eat enough and my stores everything” “My weight falls in the ‘overweight’ category because muscle weighs more than fat” “I am big-boned” I could go on and on in fact I could possibly be known as the queen of excuses.  The worst part of it all is that we believe them!  It is time to put them to the test and really call us out.   I am sure you are nodding recognizing some of the same excuses you have used a time or two or you are relating to some of your own.  Everyone does it (another general excuse).
So I challenge you and myself to put your excuses to the test and then put them to rest.  I will go through a few of mine for example.  First the excuse that my house is a mess, while I do work a lot trying to get my business off the ground I really can’t say that I work that much more than the average American.  So why is it others manage to keep their house in an orderly fashion?  Priority that is why, I have not placed it high enough on my scale of priorities instead I convince myself that I am overworked and I should sit and relax.  And wouldn’t you know it instantly I am EXHAUSTED.  So what is my plan?  I am going to allot one hour each day for house work until I am caught up and then 30 minutes each day to maintain it with a deep clean on the weekends.  That is doable right?
Next is the exercise,  “I just don’t have time” Wow this excuse works for about everything.  Lucky for me this one is not a huge issue for me, I do operate a fitness center.  But I too occasionally slip into an exercise rut, it has not always been my case and I still have to make a conscious effort.  I am only human.  What works best for me is that I ENJOY it.  Its an hour that is for me and believe me that is a treat when you have 2 small children.  Do I always get that hour? Unfortunately no. So now what?  Well I teach aerobics classes so that makes it a job and not just a luxury…people are counting on me.  Also, exercise incorporates so many things its not all jumping jacks and sit-ups but it does require movement.  My kids love to go on a bike ride or a walk…one thing about kids they love to move!  I know right now half of you are reading this building excuse on top of excuse as to why this is not working for you.  Remember we are putting the excuses to rest.  Plan of action: find some movement that is a treat for you.  If you have trouble come see me at Your Life Fitness! (Had to slip a plug in there you know you expected it)  Ok on with the excuses…
The next series of excuses kind of fall into the same category for me: being overweight.  This has been an issue for me my whole life so believe me I have some pretty great excuses.  It’s my parents fault. 8-) Just kidding.  My best is current excuse is “I exercise a lot (4-6 times a week) so I am sure I am not eating enough calories to fuel my body in my active lifestyle and it is storing everything.”   The is such a good one because it has a lot of truth in it.  How many of you are fitting this into your life right now?  STOP IT!  Let me break down the “truths”  I do exercise 4-6 times a week and I also spend a lot of time doing bookwork and planning on the computer (and then relaxing instead of housework)  I tested this with the walking club “Steps to a better You” if you missed this watch for it next summer.  We wore pedometers to track our steps all day long.  The daily target is 10,000 steps per day.  Trust me I don’t move as much as I thought.  Granted some movements just don’t track.  Look how easy I slipped in another excuse!  So I don’t move as much as I thought… Next “truth”: I don’t eat enough.  That is true except I missed the key words.  I don’t eat enough of the right things.  Just the other day I started using a food and activity tracker online.  I had been using one but it was categorizing an estimated calorie count between good, ok and bad.  Problem is I was the one categorizing and estimating the calories.   So I started using and so far I love it. I don’t necessarily like the realization but great program.  I can log the actual food and portions that I am eating and also my daily activities even the hour of housekeeping that I will be doing.  The program then analyzes my diet and shows graphs of the different nutrients that my body needs vs what I am eating.  I was well aware that I could be eating better I just didn’t realize just how bad it was because I have been making excuses and believing them.  Plan of action is to keep tracking, change what I am eating and to take you all with me for accountability.  This is my favorite thing about the program…you can share with others.  Just like on Facebook you can friend other users.  You can control what information is public and who is able to see it.  You can also keep a journal and leave messages for your friends.  How is that for accountability?  So if you would like to take this journey with me find me on my username is mscordell.  I would love some company and I don’t have any friends yet.  I will also be keeping a journal for the next 12 weeks and I will make that public to my friends as well. 
Excuses keep us on this vicious circle.  I am going to be more real with myself after all I am the one and only that is truly affected by my excuses.  The  saying “You are only cheating yourself” is oh so true!
Join me in putting the excuses to the test and then to rest.  Be my friend and take this journey with me at or follow my journal also on Facebook at Your Life Fitness and The Good Life CafĂ©.  Let the journey begin!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Exercise: Good for Mind Body and Soul

When we think of exercise we think of weight loss.  While exercise is a big part of weight loss, weight loss is not the biggest benefit of exercise.  More and more research on the effects of exercise on the mind, body and soul is showing significant benefits.


Benefits on the Mind

Recent studies are showing that exercise might keep Alzheimer’s at bay.  Arthur Kramer, a neuroscientist from the University of Illinois, said it is being found in an increasing amount of studies that regular exercise benefits tend to be 20-30% reduction in being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. "There are improvements in the chemistry of the brain in terms of the molecules that protect the brain, increases in the number of connections between neurons, which allows us to encode new learning and memory, and even the birth of new neurons in one region of the brain that supports memory," he said.

Benefits on the Body

We have all heard of the benefits of exercise on our vital organs…How about the benefits on our joints?  Exercise improves bone, joint and muscular strength and may also reduce the risk of arthritis and osteoporosis. 
When you include strength training in your exercise routine you are helping your body retain muscle mass.  When performing strength-training exercises, you are causing tiny tears in your muscle fibers.  This doesn’t sound appealing until you know that then when you rest your muscles repair themselves this is the process that strengthens your muscles.  As we get older we loose muscle mass.  If you don’t exercise to replace the muscle mass lost your body-fat percentage will increase which then goes back to the risks of cardio vascular disease.
Our joints are where two bones come together.  Ligaments help hold the joints together and muscles contract to provide movement. Exercise is important in maintaining mobility in these joints.  Our movable joints contain synovial fluid, which keeps them strong, mobile and healthy.  Leading a sedentary lifestyle affects our body’s natural ability to regulate this fluid.  By moving, strengthening supporting muscles and using these joints in full range motion on a regular basis you will help maintain or improve joint mobility.

Benefits on the Soul

It has been proven that exercise improves mood, helps fight depression, and reduces stress.  Exercise does this because when you exercise your body increases the amount of endorphins, adrenaline, serotonin and dopamine that your brain creates.  These chemicals all work together to make you feel good.  You also feel a sense of accomplishment after you exercise which allows your muscles to relax deeper releasing tension.

Now we all know that exercise packs great benefits.  Watch for helpful hints in making exercise a part of your day.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

How do you know what advice to follow?

Regular soda is better than diet soda because of the aspartame.  Eat whole wheat bread not white bread.  Wheat and gluten are making you fat.  Eat eggs, don't eat eggs.... Just how do you know what advice to follow?

Today it is so hard to decipher diet advice.  Just how do I know what to eat?  I just read a couple of articles that are saying that wheat could be contributing to your weight gain or making it hard to loose.  This comes after having "Eat wheat not white" drilled into our heads.  Other articles are stating that if you are going to drink soda that regular soda is better than diet. The best option I believe is to leave it out completely but everyone slips up once in a while so how do you know which one to choose?
Do you ever get the attitude "Its all going to kill me at some point"?  If it is great today in 3 years its going to be bad for you.  I have become a believer in the above statement to some point.  We all know the end result its just the journey that we can adjust.  No I don't mean that if you like candy bars  to eat them everyday it doesn't matter anyway.  I am leaning more towards the idea of  "All things are good in moderation" or "Moderation is key".  If I eat a cheeseburger and fries everyday it is highly likely that I will endure some health problems.  If I indulge once every couple of months its not the end of the world.  The key is not to "slip up" one right after the other and to get a good description of "moderation".  If you have acknowledged nutrition at all you have a pretty general sense of what is good and what is not so good.  The trick is portion control and being honest with yourself.  By being honest with yourself I mean to acknowledge what you are actually eating.  A good way to do this is to write down on a list or in a journal everything that touches your lips when it touches your lips even if it is a lick of the spoon!  If you have never done this you may be amazed by what you see.  We tend to forget the little bits here and there and they can really add up.
So now you get the idea of moderation but are still wondering how do I know what is ok and what isn't.  If you have ever changed your eating habits even if for just a week or a couple of days you know that you feel different when you eat different.  For instance, when I fall off the wagon and eat greasy foods (easy to do when you are on the go a lot) I feel sluggish, bloated and just plain blah.  When I am watching what I eat and follow my exercise routine I feel more energetic and better about myself as a whole.  Not so sure what I am talking about?  Try it for two weeks.  For one solid week eat junk, then the next week cut out the junk and eat self prepared foods, fruits and veggies, etc.  Keep a journal about how you feel each day during the two weeks and at the end compare the two.  Now I assume the majority of people already know the difference that I am talking about so I don't encourage you to do this but if you really haven't noticed try it.  Now you know what to eat!  The way I see it is that everyone is different and what is bad for one person may be perfectly fine for the next.  If something is working for you and you truly physically, feel good then it is fine in moderation.  I say physically because sometimes a candy bar can make me feel great emotionally but that doesn't mean it is ok for regular consumption.
Another suggestion is to eat less processed food.  When you read labels look at the ingredients...Can you pronounce everything on the list? The more ingredients that are listed on the label is a good sign that it is not the best thing to eat. Another way to think is that most likely if you are reading the label it is processed.  Not many fresh foods have a label.  We live in a processed society it is hard to convert to a no process diet but  it is not impossible to make changes.
So I guess I am saying don't get extremely caught up in the fads of what to eat and what not to eat.  There is a new improved food pyramid that is a great guide.  You can find it at you can also track your food intake there.  Find what makes you physically feel good and works for you. 

Monday, June 13, 2011

Exercise is only for FAT people….

Exercise is only for FAT people….

This is the biggest misconception that I hear since opening Your Life Fitness.  This statement could not me more false!  While exercise does burn unwanted calories there are numerous other benefits to exercise.  Exercise increases the strength of your cardiovascular system, relieves stress, helps fight off disease, boosts your energy, manage weight and promotes better sleep just to name a few benefits.

Physical activity or exercise stimulates various chemicals in your brain, which will leave you happier and more relaxed than you were before your workout.  Many issues can develop from stress such as heart disease, digestive problems, sleep disorders, depression, obesity, etc.  Regular exercise will decrease your risk factor.

The benefits of exercise on the cardiovascular system are multi-pronged.  Physical activity increases the hearts strength, enhances blood vessel function and promotes the ability of the central nervous system to regulate heart rhythm.  Increase heart rate forces the heart to beat faster to keep up the body’s demand for oxygen.  Over time the hearts resting pulse rate will decrease; which is an important sign of its strength.  The arteries around the heart benefit as well.  Regular exercise will help increase flexibility of the vessels reducing stiffness normally associated with aging.  The more flexible the muscles the better they are able to dilate lowering the chance of high blood pressure.  Heart disease is America’s number one killer.  In 2007, 33% of all deaths in Iowa were due to heart disease with over 40,000 hospitalizations for heart disease and 8,500 for stroke.   The risk factors of heart disease are controllable and could reduce much of the burden.   A more efficient cardiovascular system also leaves you breathing easier.

Save yourself from becoming one of the alarming statistics above and start an exercise program today.  If you already have an exercise routine GREAT WORK and keep it up your body thanks you!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Why not start now?

June 10, 2011
My question is "Why not start now?"  This question fits so many aspects of our lives but today I am talking about wellness.  How many times have you said "Starting Monday, I am going to..."? We do this so many times with diet or exercise programs.  I do it too, in fact just last night I had some fresh strawberries so I sat down in front of the TV with a bowl of ice cream and strawberries. Yes I do know that there are so many things wrong with that statement.   I said to myself "next week I have got to get back to eating better".  Why do I have to wait until next week?  What better time than right now?  Right now is when I feel the motivation, right now is when I want it so lets' do this right now.  We definitely live in a world of Mondays or first of the months.  Truth is when Monday comes or it is the first of the month more often than not you have lost that motivation or the urge to make changes.  Am I right?  By Monday you have convinced yourself that you really don't eat that bad or I am really pretty active.  The best time to start making changes is the minute you start thinking about it.  If you are like me when you say "Starting Monday I am going to start eating healthier" you are sitting with a bowl of ice cream.  That is the perfect time to set down the bowl and get started after all the hardest part is getting started.  I have to believe that I deserve these changes and to be healthier and so do you! And we deserve this right now just as much as we do on Monday or at the first of the next month.  You are not alone sitting eating ice cream truth is there are so many people doing the same thing just waiting for Monday.  So right now on Friday night I am starting my new life! How about you? Tonight I replace the ice cream with yogurt and I will eat it at the table. :) I love yogurt I can't wait!