Monday, November 21, 2011

Vitamins and Supplements

I attended a Body by Vi challenge party just to clear some info up for me.  I am not saying this is a do or don't for you I want to encourage you to do your research.  One question I had was about the amount of vitamins it contains vs. the amount your body needs.  Some of you may know that when you take vitamins your body processes what it needs and sometimes the rest flushes.  My doctor clued me into this years ago when I decided I really needed to add some vitamins to my routine.  Something you may not know is that you can actually overdose on vitamins.  When you overdose on a vitamin it causes a build up and the build up can cause problems.  This link shows a few and what is the result of an overdose.
there is definitely a lot of information out there and the more you read the more it turns into a matter of opinion.  I posted on my facebook page a couple of links that I like, one of which tells you how to figure the amount of protein YOUR body needs in a day.  No two people are alike so I think it is tough to say everyone should consume 180 g of protein a day.  Another link is an article on Men's Health about overdosing on vitamins.  Although it is in Men's Health I am sure for the most part the same goes for Women.
Back to the Body by Vi....I have not tried any of these products other than tasting the shakes.  I am NOT a fan of meal replacement shakes on a regular basis and if you have read some of my blog you already know that.  I did like the idea that it is motivating some people to make some health changes.  The people that change nothing but replacing meals with the shake are the ones that really concern me.  You are not learning what it was that put you in the position you are trying to change.  I loved the success stories!  What I noticed and what I took from the success stories is that it has lead some people to other healthier habits such as exercise and taking an active role in your health.  And I truly believe that the changes in health happen because this product contains a vitamin that was deficient for these people.  If only they could narrow it down to which vitamin or set of vitamins had the effect and you could tailor that to individuals so you weren't over doing it on the others.  If something is troubling you that you would like to change do some research to find out just what it is that you are not getting enough from your diet.  A few years ago I felt I was suffering from depression, I do not like the idea of popping pills so I did some research and what I found is that often depression is caused by a lack of B & D vitamins and omega fatty acids.  I added a vitamin B complex, a vitamin D and Omega 3 to my daily routine and it is amazing the difference.  When I left the challenge party I was impressed with the vitamins because they all came together and I didn't have to pick and choose to figure out what would work for me.  I also sell a line of supplements and I have always wished that they would have one that contained everything.  Which is what I liked about Body by Vi vitamins.  After my research today I understand a bit better why my line does not offer a "one stop shop" vitamin.  I do have a multi-vitamin but I was interested in combining a couple of the deficiency focused ones.  So my opinion is a little better of the Body by Vi challenge than when I went in but I still am not sold on the idea.  I still believe that you need to narrow down what it is that you need to adjust and focus on that.  We have to learn to live in a better way there is no magic pill. And remember you should always consult your doctor.

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