Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Seems as though I have hit a plateau.  I would assume everyone knows what I mean when I say “plateau”.  You know when you are constantly improving and then all of the sudden you seem to flat line.  My weight has stayed pretty much the same the past few weeks.  A couple weeks ago I could feel this coming and re-evaluated my goal and my plans to get there.  Well apparently I am not following the plan to well.  I must say that I have arrived at a comfortable place for me.  I have talked to a few people who are in the same place.  Not gaining but not loosing and a little lacking in the motivation department.  I need to get excited about my journey again. 
There are 4 general tips I found to break through this plateau.
  • Reassess your habits. Look back at your food and activity records. Make sure you haven't loosened the rules, letting yourself get by with larger portions or less exercise.
  • Cut more calories. Reduce your daily calorie intake by 200 calories — provided this doesn't put you below 1,200 calories. Fewer than 1,200 calories a day may not be enough to keep you from feeling hungry all of the time, which increases your risk of overeating.
  • Rev up your workout. Increase the amount of time you exercise by an additional 15 to 30 minutes. You might also try increasing the intensity of your exercise, if you feel that's possible. Additional exercise will cause you to burn more calories.
  • Pack more activity into your day. Think outside the gym. Increase your general physical activity throughout the day by walking more and using your car less, or try doing more yard work or vigorous spring-cleaning.
These tips are on the same track as what I have talked about for the last two weeks.  So what is my deal?  You guessed it…. I can read and read and read but until I act on it nothing will change.  I have become pretty loose with my journaling. (And by loose I mean I have not logged my food for days)  I can’t cut more calories because I am already at a 1200-calorie plan.  But by not tracking who knows how close I am to that goal.  I could probably rev up my workout, I have new classes starting now so this could help and I could definitely add some vigorous spring-cleaning to my days.

The number one tip is “Never give up! I am worth all the effort I need to put into this journey and I will continue it.”  Same goes to you! You are worth it too just keep reminding yourself everyday.  I would love to hear some feedback; if you want to share your successes, tips, struggles, etc. I would love to hear them. Drop me a line… is my email or the address is Your Life Fitness 105 N. Main Lenox, IA 50851.  Until next week…

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