Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I don’t know how many of you watch the Biggest Loser on Tuesday nights but last week was proof that you need to change things up.  Last Tuesday was the first weigh in since the group was divided into different teams with different trainers, the week before had several of them in a slow moving zone.  There were some that lost just small amounts of weight and even one who gained 5 pounds!  This time with new trainers every one of them lost a significant amount averaging over 4% for the teams and this is the seventh week.  I don’t know how much more proof we need that sometimes we just have to change things up.  Our bodies tend to get accustomed to our routine and once we get comfortable we stop having as much impact in our change. 

Now let’s all be realistic.  The people on the Biggest Loser have large amounts of weight to lose (as may some of us), have trainers, someone buying and preparing meals, and no distractions of the real world getting in the way of there weekly losses. Losing 8-16 pounds in one week is not a typical loss.  While this show is an inspiration to a lot of people, me included, it is also a bit deceiving.  Who doesn’t want to loose 10 # in one week?  Reality is…loosing 1-2 pounds a week is a great weight loss rate.  So watching Biggest Loser can make the average person a bit impatient with the 0.4 or 1.5 pounds lost each week.  Expecting to lose like they do on the show is setting yourself up for disappointment; you have to keep in mind the different circumstances.  This could lead to excuses…. but this is a No Excuses journey just be real with yourself!

There are two main reasons to vary your workout every couple of weeks. 1) To prevent boredom from doing the same thing workout after workout and 2) to avoid or delay reaching a plateau in workout performance and training results.  Changing your routine can be as easy as doing your routine backwards.  If you start strength training with your upper body first then start with your lower body.  If you do cardio 3 times a week and strength two then switch and do strength three and cardio two.  If you are bored with the treadmill and weight machines try a fitness class (just so happens we have some just starting) or dvd.  I would say to head outdoors but we are losing the pleasant outdoor weather as I write this it is cold and rainy after a beautiful 70s day yesterday. 

Good luck this week and I challenge all of you to try something different!

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