Thursday, November 10, 2011

Success in Perspective…

I have been racking my brain trying to think of what to write this week.  Seems as though all I want to do is eat! My weight is still stagnating.  Which I suppose I should just be ecstatic that it is not climbing Mt. Everest when all I want to do is eat.  I have all the information and I know and understand how to get off this plateau I just can’t seem to make myself do it.  We started new classes this week, cardio kickboxing and step aerobics. I LOVE both of them and I get to workout with some really great people; win win.  On the 15th we start an aerobics class that will be a variety of different workouts, each class could be something different.  That class is on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8:30, if you are interested you can still join just give me a call.  Workouts are in place now if I can get my eating habits and my workouts to coincide and work together maybe I can get off this plateau.

Since my own successes are minimal this week I will talk about other peoples positive changes.  I overheard a conversation this morning about what is possible now vs. when they first started.  It was said that when they first started they had a hard time lifting the minimum weight on some of the machines and now I see this person lifting 50+ pounds on various machines in less than 6 months! It is a great feeling when you start seeing definition in muscles you thought maybe God forgot to give you. High five to you!
Another great story that I like to share all the time is about my Dad.  I knew opening the fitness center would make positive changes in our community but I never imagined how fast all this would hit home.  My Dad has quit smoking and now uses fitness classes as a social past time.  I must say he looks great for an old man! Just kidding Dad, about the old man part anyway. Humor is great medicine. Also taking an active role in fitness, my sister completed the Des Moines Half Marathon a few weeks ago! Great Job!
A couple other members have lost over 30 pounds each.  I have a Sittercise class on Monday and Wednesday mornings at 9, and I have a couple of amazing ladies that attend faithfully and keep showing positive changes.

It makes me very proud when I hear these success stories and the positive changes that are taking place in the community.  My business is a lot like my health journey.  I consider my business a success because of the great changes people are making even though financially it may not be there yet.  Same with my journey it is a success because I am on it and I am feeling great even thought the weight isn’t there yet.  It’s all about what tools you use to measure.  I am sure you can make that work for anything you are struggling with in life.  Sometimes you just need to use a different tool. I will leave you with a favorite quote “Change your thoughts, Change your world” Unknown

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