Monday, December 12, 2011


In just a few short weeks the hustle and bustle of the Holidays will be behind us for yet another year.  It seems to go by in such a blur anymore.  So how are you doing on your journey?  The Holidays can be a very hard time to not loose focus.  As you know I am a firm believer in making changes you can live with and to not feel deprived as we make this change.  I actually weighed the other day, I had been putting it off because I knew I wouldn’t like the outcome but as it turns out I am down a pound from the beginning of the Holidays.  If you remember my goal was to either stay the same or loose and just not let it creep up…so far success.  Now to just make it through Christmas!
Next is the New Year’s Resolutions! Do you make one?  The New Year makes it feel like it’s a fresh start what better time for a new you?  I am not talking about fad diets I am talking about lifestyle change.  I get so frustrated seeing people try and then fail at fad diets and sometimes I wonder why it bothers me so much its not like I haven’t tried them all.  I have been coming to a realization lately and I think it may be why the fads (especially the ones that have failed me) drive me crazy.  For the first time I think I have found success and I am comfortable.  I have lost weight before in fact the first time I lost weight I was down about 15 pounds from where I am now.  I was tickled to death to finally buy smaller clothes!  But when the pounds came back (with friends) I felt even worse than before.  I had a taste of not being the “fat” one anymore and I liked it but I hadn’t made changes I was comfortable with I went back to my old ways and before long I was bigger than I had ever been.  So not only did I feel “fat” again I also felt like a failure.  I really feel this time is different.  And I think that is because I am not doing anything that I am not comfortable with, I don’t feel like an outcast when dining with friends, and I don’t feel deprived which I often had in the past.  Its not easy and I absolutely still have days that I want to crawl in a hole and block out the world.  The scales aren’t telling me that I am “normal” still but everything else is, I feel good, my blood levels are in check and I have the energy to play with my kids!  Sometimes not the patience but you can’t have everything. J How about you?  Are you ready to reach the point that you can feel good and live with it? Remember its not about being the skinniest but healthy is good.  Enjoy the season!

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