Friday, December 16, 2011


This time of year it seems as though we really start getting health conscious.  Is it the idea of a new year is a fresh start or is it that we are disappointed with our will power with Holiday Goodies?  I must say that my will power with the goodies is non-existent and boy can I tell.  I have been off my game the last couple of days.  My motivation and energy level is minimal, my focus is scattered and my balance...well lets not talk about that.  A couple times in fitness class you would have thought I hit the sauce before class but I promise I didn’t!  I may have been a little too flexible with my goals this season.  I am not so disappointed that I indulged but I am pretty ready to get back on the road.  Christmas is not even here yet.  I suppose that is a good thing but I am sure that it won’t keep me from sampling (nobody judge how I measure a sample).
One thing I love about being in a public business vs. a cubicle is social interaction.  I never realized how much of a social being I am, or maybe I just never admitted it to myself.  I am pretty sure my children come by it honestly.  Anyway I love talking to people and lately I have listened to a few people who are having the same type of issues.  I believe I will place it in the peer pressure category or maybe the misery loves company category.  We all know someone who seems to want to squash every bit of success we may accomplish.  And I am sure to some point we all do this to someone else.  Why is that?  Are we so afraid that if someone else is succeeding that we must be failing or are we afraid of being left behind? On the other hand sometimes we feel like someone is constantly trying to “one up” us, kind of like “keeping up with the Jones’” syndrome.  One story I have heard is this person was accused of being selfish because they have so much focus on exercising and being healthy. Can you believe it?  I believe this couldn’t be further from the truth.  If you don’t take care of yourself, you will not be able to take care of anyone else.  Another story is (and this is a very common one) we sit around and talk about the effects of overeating or making not so great choices, “I feel bloated, I am just so tired all the time, I can’t get myself motivated, I’ve gained 10 pounds….” Then if there is one person in your group who is “skinny” and exercises regularly and that person pipes into this conversation it’s like that person is a Nazi! How dare they complain I mean look at them!  First a little defense, these people (the Nazis) are likely working their ass off or taking action for a healthy lifestyle. And, skinny does not necessarily mean healthy just as “fat” doesn’t necessarily mean unhealthy. Relax and let me explain the last part I can feel the rebellion or the excuses forming on that one.  Being overweight definitely takes a toll on your organs but it is possible that a person who is 15 pounds overweight and active has a healthier heart than the 120-pound person in size 2 jeans who leads an inactive lifestyle.  Let’s turn the table a bit…these people (and we have all been on this side, including me) that are measuring themselves against others, we will call them the haters, it is likely they are envious of the “Nazi”(oh now I don’t like calling them that).  If I am sitting here feeling miserable next to someone who is obviously in great shape it is likely that I do not believe that I could be in his or her shoes.  It’s like me sitting in my house (which is currently a disaster) grumbling about anyone whose house is cleaner than mine, you get overwhelmed by the thought of all the effort it will take to get “there”.  Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is just like maintaining a clean house…you always have to work at it.  I have a saying on the wall in the fitness center “just because you don’t see results in a day or even a week, don’t give up.  You may not see changes but every smart choice you make is effecting you in ways you’d never imagine.”  You have to believe in yourself first and once you do the rest falls into place and you have to STOP measuring yourself by looking at someone else. I believe you can do it, now its up to you to believe!
Merry Christmas!

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