Monday, August 22, 2011

Help? Eating Disorder?

Help? Over-eater?

Had a great visit with a friend this week.  As we were visiting she pointed out one of those things that you know but you don’t really think about until it smacks you in the face.  She said, “You don’t like to ask for help” she was absolutely right!  So often in life I feel like if I ask for help I have failed or I will show weakness.  I have to stop myself and think…would I give this advice to a friend?  Sometimes I am my own worst enemy; if it were anyone else would I think this way?  The answer is no; in fact I think a lot of people who can ask for help when they need it.  It shows great strength to ask for help.  So my actual weakness is NOT asking for help.  So why is it we expect to be able to make a lifestyle change alone?  This journey is about making significant changes in my lifestyle.  Sharing it with you is my outreach for help and offer to support you at the same time.

Also on my visit my friend shared a book about being an over eater and recognizing just what it is that you are trying to fill with food.  This was also an eye opener for me.  I guess I never really viewed my weight problem being an eating disorder.  Maybe that has been one of my obstacles that have prevented me from reaching and maintaining a “normal” or healthier weight.  I have just started reading this book and while I do find some things I can relate to I am not convinced that I can label myself with this “disease”.  Maybe I am in the denial stage.  Part of me feels that if I accept that I am an over eater I am accepting another excuse.  Part of me feels that I should be saying: duh.  Like I said I just started the book and I suspect that I have a lot to learn with this one.  Emotions are a big part of my diet.

On a little lighter note…I lost 2.2 pounds this week!  How did you do?

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