Monday, August 29, 2011

Life Triggers

Well I made it to the end of the dreaded second week.  The second week seems like it is the hardest for me. Apparently I am not alone, if you ever watch the Biggest Loser the second week is hard for them too.  I am pretty proud of this second week…I am down another 1.4 pounds!
As for the book I started reading in last weeks post…I must admit it is a really great book!  The book is called Love Hunger.  It is talking about being an overeater because of life happenings.  Kind of relates it too alcoholism and walks you through footpaths similar to the twelve step program.  Believe me I was skeptical just like you.  The more I read the more I related.  And the more I caught myself throughout the days thinking “Oh wow this is what it was talking about”.  So I guess I am working through the denial stage and on to accepting that I am an over eater.  I eat for everything! Now I am trying to recognize my triggers.  What moods or situations trigger my cravings?  The loss of a family pet, Stormy, has been extremely tough, the kids loved that horse.  It has been hard to avoid stuffing my feelings with chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk.  Thank goodness I would have to bake the cookies first.  Another thing “Love Hunger” has made me realize is that I am a fixer.  I want to fix everything for everyone and when I can’t I over indulge to “sedate” myself or drown my sorrows so to speak.  I tend to carry the problems of the world on my shoulders.  I guess this kind of relates back to the struggling to ask for help.  I make everything my problem and then beat myself up trying to fix it. 

One of my friends gave me some great advice.  He said, “Accept it and move on” and that statement couldn’t be more perfect for my journey.  I have always loved the statement “Accept the things you cannot change; change the things you cannot accept” which fits with the advice from my friend.  I cannot change the passing of Stormy nor can I change the way other people think, feel and act; but I can change the way I handle my own thoughts, feelings and actions.  I have repeated these words (Accept it and move on) in my head several times already. This will be my motivation this week…what things in my life do I need to just accept and move past?  How about you? What situations in your life can you accept and move on?  I am not perfect and while I know that I don’t often accept it.  I am going to work on accepting whom I am at any given moment and that I am striving to be MY best.

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