Monday, October 24, 2011

Don’t forget to REST…

This week I have been a bit under the weather which is unfortunate because it has been great weather!  One of the key points in health and wellness that could quite possibly be one of the hardest is REST.  When you see someone who is obviously not at the best of their health the first thing that crosses your mind is they must be lazy.  That is right I know we all say we don’t judge and we try not to but we do and often times we are actually judging how we see ourselves in someone else.  But that is a whole other topic.  Being lazy is part of the problem but it is so often not the case.  These days we pressure ourselves trying to multi-task with so many projects and activities that we often forget to rest and take care of ourselves.  Think about it one of the biggest problems is choosing healthy foods, we often hit fast food places or convenience foods at the supermarket because we don’t have time, the most common excuse I hear to not exercise is “I don’t have time”.  Why don’t we have time?  Because we take on so much and we don’t make time for “the little things”.  Ironically if we would take time to take care of ourselves properly or even half as good as we do now we would be less tired and more efficient at the things expect ourselves to do.

I have had a chest cold that is really kicking my butt for almost a week.  Do you know how much I have accomplished this week?  Very little.  How much do you suppose this could have changed if I would just give myself a break?  How about you? Do you go non-stop all day often skipping meals or grabbing a bite on the run? Skipping your exercise because you have too much to do?  Telling yourself you get enough exercise all day? Back in the day when the majority of the jobs and tasks at hand involved manual labor that was a little closer to the truth, now day’s technology (which I think is wonderful) allows us to do more with less effort, which typically means you are not moving as much as you think.  Maybe you are one of those who do get a lot of movement at your job…Are you at the top of your game? Is your health report perfect?  If not then I would say it is still not enough.  So how do you manage when you don’t rest now and I am telling you that you have to add something else?  Prioritize! Our health and our families should be the first priority.  Unfortunately Bill is always pushing its way to the top.  Oh yes I am just as guilty at this as most and probably more than some.  And guess what we are teaching our children the same lifestyle. 

Ok so enough preaching I hope it sank in for you and me both.  This week I have been trying to rest to try to kick this cold.  I have not made it top priority as I should have been home sleeping for two days straight however I did get to go home one afternoon thanks to my great employees.  I also broke through a plateau in my weight loss with a loss of 2.4.  Rest can do magnificent things.

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