Tuesday, September 13, 2011

hum·ble- adjective - not proud or arrogant; modest: to be humble although successful.

I have been hearing from many people who are reading my article and I love it!  It also makes this one a little humbling to write.  I have had three good weeks of losses and now I have to admit that I have gained 1.6 pounds! UGH….This is where my “diets” always diminish.   If you remember from last week I had a not so good weekend but I didn’t give up like I normally do and have not so good weeks to follow.  Scary to think what it may have been had I thrown my typically pity party.  I am sure I am not alone when I say that when I hit an obstacle in my journey it is hard not to say, “what’s the use” but I guess that is why it is great to be on a journey and not a diet.  If I just pick up where I left off and make good choices most of the time I will be fine after all if it is for a lifetime, I have to give myself some tolerance.
I have been doing some reading about obesity, overeating and food addiction so that I could try to share some wisdom with the masses.  There is some interesting stuff and a lot of it I already am aware but some of it gives a new way to look at it.  The two books that I have read/reading recently are one of overeating and one of food addiction.  Both have similar information in that both compare food to alcohol; the differences are that one linked overeating to emotions and the other links it to chemicals in your body.  In the long run they both run back to emotions.  The book focusing on the chemicals in your body elaborates on the effects of certain substances, such as sugar, four or wheat, on the chemical make up of your nervous system.  I found this very interesting because it is stating that these substances actually create serotonin a chemical in your body that makes you relax, happy, etc.  Makes sense and brings it back to your emotions.  Some of you may be wondering what is the purpose of all of this?  Isn’t this just setting up another excuse?  Could be…if I let it but this is a no excuses journey.  I suppose this is a way of understanding why it is so hard to make the life changes.   What this has clarified for me: There is not one solid route for everyone to take on the healthy journey.  We all have our own way to reach our destination. Is there really is a destination?  That implies that one day it will all be over…well I guess in a way that is true.  The decision we have to make is how we want to feel and how long we want to take to get to the final destination.
There are a lot of events coming up at Your Life Fitness that will hopefully help you in your healthy living path.  October 1st we have the Healthy Habits Hustle a walk run event with distances for everyone.  On October 7th, we have signed on to the “Make Iowa the Healthiest State” Campaign and are hosting a Start Somewhere Walk at Noon; it is a short walk to start you on your road to a healthier life.  On November 5th I will be hosting a Total Life Wellness Conference at the Lenox Elementary, you will see more details soon.  The response that I am getting from writing this tells me the interest is out there and I am going to work hard to make our goals attainable.  Hope to see you there!

Almost forgot the recipe as promised! 
Cheesy Flounder Fillets
1 ½ pounds of flounder fillets
1/3 cup Basic Yogurt Cheese (I used less fat cream cheese and added some skim milk)
2 teaspoons cornstarch (my guess this was suppose to thicken the yogurt cheese)
2 tablespoons grated parmesan
2 tbs fresh parsley, chopped
¼ cup onion minced
1 tbs. Lemon juice
1 tbs fresh dill or 1 tsp dried
Vegetable coating spray
Line the bottom of a 13x9 pan sprayed with vegetable spray with fish fillets. Combine remaining ingredients; spread evenly over fish.  Bake at 350 for 15 minutes or until fish flakes with a fork.

Reviews: Me, not a big fish eater but tarter sauce is a must with it, enjoyed it.  Jr…likes fish does not like tarter sauce didn’t really like it and the kids didn’t like it because Jr didn’t like it.  We came to the conclusion that the mixture was a healthier version of tarter sauce so if you like tarter sauce you may love this. 

1 comment:

  1. Without knowing what books you're reading, I hope they talk about the one real difference between alcohol (or drug) addiction and food addiction: you need food to live! A person MUST come to terms with feeding his/her body, which is different than swearing off alcohol or drugs and never taking another drink/hit for the rest of their lives. It requires a much deeper commitment.

    Don't beat yourself up about the weight gain. I saw on Facebook that you've started incorporating strength workouts into your routine and it could just be that your body composition is changing to more muscle and less fat. Don't marry yourself to a number (especially if you are not tracking measurements/inches). Just keep up the good work!

