Thursday, August 23, 2012

Fall seems to be in full swing...

It seems as though fall is in full swing. School is underway and we are settling back into routine.  What is your routine? Does it include better habits?
Seems as though stepping back into routine can sometimes be an eye opener or rude awakening.  There are some aspects in life that we let slip from time to time and before long we find ourselves realizing just how far we have slipped.  This can be very discouraging.  You look back at how far you have come and how hard you worked to get there and in a matter of weeks it seems like you closed your eyes and BAM you are back to square one.  How does this happen? And why does it happen to me over and over, don’t I ever learn? Truth is you always learn, you learn from your triumphs and from your mistakes.  One of the hardest things for me to learn or accept on this journey is the fact that it is never going to be easy and I am never going to finish.  Sounds pretty dismal doesn’t it? I guess you could look at it another way…I eventually will finish when my time in this body is over.  I have two choices I can take care of my body with some hard effort and enjoy my trip to the finish or I can take the easy way, abuse my body and feel miserable on the trip to the finish.  Ever notice how that miserable feeling tends to accompany the realization that we have slipped and reverted back to our less healthy habits?  It takes just as much time and effort to beat yourself up and feel sorry for yourself as it does to make the decision and take action to build yourself up to a better you.  Think about it…how much time in a day would you say you spend down grading yourself? Oh I could have done better at that…That was stupid why did I do that…Look at yourself you look so fat in those jeans.  Who hasn’t said at least one of those things to themselves? Think about how much different you would feel if you said or did something positive for yourself every time you would typically say or do something negative. 
I want to share something that Cindy Paul shared with me last fall…
“I liked my old body, you know the one that didn’t complain or rebel when asked to do something. So the first of July I started on my journey to better health.  It was getting to the point of almost not having enough strength to lift my own body weight.  Getting the groceries up 4 steps and into the house was getting hard to do.  My love of gardening was becoming a chore. I was overweight and miserable.”
Cindy had two choices here, she could either beat herself up for getting to this point or she could take action and do something about it.  Here is what she chose.
I set a goal of losing 20 pounds by February. I have lost 15 by the end of November. I started out on the treadmill with no incline and hanging on for dear life. The weight machines were scary. I started with the least amount of weight to lift. I dreaded them. Now I look forward to pushing my body to pick up the next level of weights and giggling to myself when I can.
Happiness is actually fitting comfortably into my clothes again. I still have a ways to go to reach my goal but it is within reach now.”
                                                                                                30 Nov 2011 – Cindy Paul
Cindy ended with thanking Your Life Fitness.  Truth is I should be thanking her because it is with great pleasure that I can be here to witness and share with people their amazing triumphs.  We often think that success is measured with money and material things.  In fact when starting Your Life Fitness I was in search of financial freedom and to be my own boss, both aspects are great but the pleasure I have encountered assisting others make changes and being successful on their journey (yes both ups and downs) is worth more than anything I can take to the bank.
What is your choice this week are you going to dwell on your mistakes and misfortune or are you going to take action and get your life back? Only you can decide…

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Plus Size Only Gym - Yeah or Neah?

The first I heard of this was in an article I recently read and as it turns out they are pretty wide spread.  I can see both sides of this but I strongly lean to the neah.  The qualification to be a member of a plus size gym is that you must have 50 pounds or more to lose. I have been on both sides of this fence.  I may be an oddball but my feelings of self-conscious lead me to group classes.  Being from Lenox the option of belonging to a gym meant 5th hour gym vs. study hall.  Exposure to the gym atmosphere was not high.  Of course we could always use the weight room at school but talk about self-conscious! High school – when you think that how you compare your peers is the most important thing in life.  My experience started when I graduated college and moved to Des Moines, a co-worker and I joined the YMCA, for something to do. Yes I do laugh at the irony now, imagine someone from a town of 1400 moving to the city and didn’t have anything to do.  Anyway I did not shop around, at that point in my life I am not so sure I would have known what I was looking for and the YMCA was pretty close to where I worked.  I would say that this was my first experience of the “gym” atmosphere of weight machines and treadmills.  I think a lot of my discomfort came from inexperience and not knowing what to do more than what people thought of my body even though I was not comfortable in my own skin.  I was more worried about looking like an idiot because I didn’t know how to work a machine.  What did I do? I hid in group classes.  I know to most that doesn’t make sense but all I had to do was follow what everyone else was doing.  Although I am sure many of my moves were quite different I felt I “fit in” more because I didn’t have to try to figure out what to do.  This is the part of the plus size gym that I understand, the part of fitting in with people.  But there are so many things, important things that you would miss from being in a gym with diversity.  I am going to touch briefly on three points, motivation, acceptance and encouragement.
Motivation – There are people at every level in a gym.  When you are at starting level you can look to someone who has been there for a couple months for motivation to stick with it and look where you can be.  When you get to the next level you become the motivator but you still have the drive to keep pace with your newfound support group.
Acceptance – I think a huge step in your journey is to accept that you are you and you don’t have to be just like everyone else. Think about it if you remember your turning point or even watching shows like The Biggest Loser so many of the turning points start with acceptance.  Putting words to my point of acceptance… you have to be able to say “to hell with you and what you might think of me I am doing this for ME” After all so many times we get to this point by covering up what it really is that bothers us. Our “setbacks” could be a lot less drastic if we would just accept what it really is and deal with it.  What you think others see in you is often what you see in yourself turn that around and accept this is where you are but then make the changes you see fit.
Encouragement – Once you get started in a gym and you see the great changes you are making it is motivating to me to encourage others. And I also get encouragement from others to keep going.  It really does become a support system and this is going to sound funny but even if you see the same people but never actually talk to them it is still encouraging.  When I moved to Des Moines I didn’t know anyone or know how to get around.  The gym to me became my friendly place and I didn’t even take away friendships from there but just the thought of familiar at that point is exactly what I needed and the people became familiar. I suppose any of these arguments could go the other way also but isn’t the stereotyping what makes us uncomfortable in the first place?
So I guess plus size, skinny, muscle bound or string bean I think the atmosphere at the gym is the most important thing and you will find where you feel comfortable.  You have to do what is best for you because after all, this journey is about you.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

New book to read!

I saw a book on the Good Morning America show that I cannot wait to read.  It is called Fit2 Fat 2Fit by Drew Manning.  Drew is a natural fitness junkie and personal trainer who had never been overweight in his life.  He felt that in order to really help his clients meet their goals he needed to be able to understand what it was like for them.  So for 6 months he “let himself go” he stopped exercising and ate the typical American diet of fast and processed foods.  He gained 75 pounds in the 6 months!  The interesting part is that he documented his journey.  On the GMA show I enjoyed hearing him and his wife talk about the unexpected emotional changes they both experienced and I look forward to reading about them in his book.  In my opinion, one thing that is most often missed on the weight loss journey is the emotional changes.  So many times you don’t even realize your own emotional state let alone someone else’s battle.  Just like Drew, he had never experienced the battle of weight loss and had no idea what his clients were trying to overcome.
The emotions are something you can talk and talk about but until you really experience the journey it is hard to truly believe the difference you feel when you make positive changes.  You may also think “then why is it so easy to slip backwards?”  My thoughts on that are we so often stand in our own way.  Subconsciously we don’t believe we are worth it, we have spent so much time feeling fat and lazy that we have to rebuild that self-esteem to know that we deserve to feel this way.  I remember when I first started Weight Watchers I had attended 2 meeting at two different times trying to decide if it was for me and if it was worth the money.  The second meeting I was sitting there after class waiting to talk to the presenter and someone came up to me and I started talking about trying to make my decision when she just looked at me and said “Aren’t YOU worth it?” I had never really thought about it that way, that night I decided I was in deed worth it and I joined WW to lose 30 pounds!  Sometimes the best advice is so small and you just have to read between the lines.  A few of the little pieces of advice that have hit home for me are “Aren’t you worth it?” “Quit sabotaging yourself!” and “Accept it and move on.”  The last one came at an inappropriate yet perfect time.  There are so many things in life that we dwell on when in fact we cannot move on until we just accept it.  That may be the first step in your journey, accepting what and where you are in life and accepting that you are ready to change or move on.  This can take us all the way back to the first article of my journey “No Excuses” If you are still making excuses you have not accepted your reality.
 I can’t wait to read this and share some of Drew’s lessons.

On a side note!  I have added a new line of products at Your Life Fitness. It Works! Has a line of supplements, skin care, and body wraps to tighten, tone and firm in just minutes!  Some people have already had great results, stop in and try some! You can also check out the product line on my website at

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

It is all a matter of perspective…

In every journey there are set backs or obstacles. But are they really setbacks?  I have had some changes in my life lately that I have been dwelling on as a set back in my journey.  I keep telling myself that everything happens for a reason but can’t seem to really wrap my head around it.  This week some quotes seem to be lingering in my head: “It’s all a matter of perspective” and “Change your thoughts, Change your world.”   We will be expanding our family this fall, while I am not a well organized and planned out person I do like to plan the big things in life and this surprise has thrown me for a loop!  It is all a matter of perspective. I have been stuck on all the ways that my days are going to get more demanding and I have forgot to see the blessing this brings.  I don’t know what I would do without my kids and I am sure that it won’t be long before I cannot imagine myself without the three of them.  I have been so stuck that someone walked by me on the street the other day and said congratulations and honestly for a minute I seriously wondered what she was talking about.  It is time to change my perspective. 
Whether the change in your journey is a pregnancy, an injury, a career change or whatever it may be it is only a negative change if we allow it to be.  After all, our entire journey is all about change, right?  Thoughts and perspective are not something that can change overnight, however sometimes we do have that one moment that it is like a light bulb comes on over your head and you can see through the fog.  We have to realize that we create that fog and maybe with practice the fog will get less and less.  Every so called obstacle that comes our way is an opportunity we just have to stay clear minded to be able to see what that opportunity may be.

There is an app on Facebook called God Wants You to Know, it sends you messages and sometimes it happens to really fit your day.  Today happens to be one of those days, I just took a break from writing this and looked at my message, this is what it said:

“On this day of your life, we believe God wants you to know ... that when events happen which seem catastrophic, it is not only possible, but very important for you to allow yourself to come to a place of calmness.
Panicking serves no one - not yourself, not the people who are suffering, and not the planet. Allow yourself to trust that there is a larger purpose and that it may not be necessary for you to know that purpose at this time. Allow yourself to have faith that ultimately, all will be well.”

 I thought it fit this article well and wanted to share.  So whatever it is that you feel is standing in your way it is time to change your perspective and welcome the opportunity.  It only remains as an obstacle as long as you let it.  You may feel that an injury takes away your ability to stick with your exercise routine when it may just be an opportunity to find your ability to do something different.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Healing from inside out…

My journey tends to focus a lot on weight loss but also a lot on fixing myself mentally.   Although I have changed a lot mentally I still tend to forget that there are people on this journey that are facing the same struggles from different angles.  Imagine if you will that you are 5’10” and weigh 99 pounds…many of you like me look at this scenario and think “wouldn’t that be great”.  Most of us are well aware that this ratio is just as unhealthy as being 5’10” and weighing 299 pounds.  However imagine you were the 99 pounds again and you still felt that you were fat, whenever you look in the mirror you see the 299 pounds.  It is very hard to imagine how this would feel when it is more typical to struggle the other way.  When really this feeling is probably about the same, it is about being unhappy with your body image no matter what the size difference.  What I find different about this is the support system is hard to find. Everyone is trying to lose weight its just what we do.  When you could stand to lose a few you hear the snickering in the background about the fat girl/guy, have you ever stopped to imagine this from the “skinny person”?  You see the 99-pound person with a strenuous exercise routine and shopping the diet and health food and you think seriously? You have got to be kidding me why on earth would this person be here?  Do you stop to think that this person is just as unhappy with their body as you or maybe even more so? I typically don’t I am to busy thinking about myself and how great I think it would be to need to gain weight and that I am jealous and disgusted that this person can’t be happy with themselves.  But isn’t that really where we all are? A while back I wrote an article “Stop trying to be Skinny”, this is a prime example of when in our mind skinny just keeps getting smaller the closer we get.  So who is to blame? You know we always want to blame someone, society maybe?  Sure it is plastered everywhere…TV, magazines, the Internet etc.  Truth is it doesn’t matter whose fault it is that we think this way, we are the only ones who can change it.  This has to be changed from the inside out and just like I have said before with your health, when you get your vitals in line the weight will follow, when you start believing in yourself and feeling good about yourself the rest will follow.  I feel like I have made huge strides in this area.  I am not exactly sure what did it for me or when I started feeling good about my body.  If I think about it the part that makes me proud is that I have some muscle definition and I have never thought of myself with muscle definition.  No I am not talking like body builder type, I am talking if I flex my bicep it actually changes shape.  Does this mean that is what will work for everyone? NO. A lifting routine is a good idea for everyone just because the fact is that as we age our bodies lose muscle mass naturally.  Positive thinking could be a huge step for you…each morning instead of looking at your body and pointing out what you feel is flawed, tell yourself at least three things you like about your body.  Eventually this will come easier and maybe even happen with out thought.

Next time you see the “fat” or “skinny” person that may be struggling with image offer some encouragement and not judgment, you could be just what they need to get started on a road to confidence and happiness.  Even if that person is looking at you from the mirror.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Working out sucks, sometimes…

I get the motivation for this topic from a couple of things I read today.  One was an article titled “Working Out Sucks, Sometimes” and the other was a quote “I don’t workout because I hate my body, I workout because I love it!”  The article “Working out Sucks, Sometimes” caught my eye because it was in a Club Solutions magazine.  Now I don’t know about you but when I saw this I thought now how in the world is that going to help my business?  So of course I had to find out!  This article made me feel like we relate a little more, kind of like I hope my blog helps you feel not so alone on this journey.  The guys from the Club Solutions office workout 4-7 days a week in gyms to research content for their magazine, still I am a little curious where this is going.  I also workout 4 days a week and I just want everyone to love exercise.  Then it started sinking in, even the most avid athletes and exercisers hate to workout sometimes…so what keeps them going?  For me I have made it my job with the fitness classes, even when I don’t feel like it I have others expecting me, I don’t have a choice so to speak.  That contradicts a belief of mine that no matter what you always have a choice, the options may not be great but you ALWAYS have a choice.  But with this maybe I should say my choice is obvious.  But when I don’t have a class 4 days a week, where does the motivation come from to not opt for a cold beverage and a lounge chair when the weather is fantastic? Or a blanket and a book when it is not so fantastic?  I believe I found the answer to this question before I even had the question.  It’s the little things!  We were talking as we were stretching after a workout class and the topic came up about changes you notice after you have been in the routine of working out.  On Monday the common feeling is “Man why did I do that this weekend” but by Tuesday it turns to the changes.  I can now sit on the floor with my feet together out in front of me and reach my toes, this may be easy to some but it is something I have not been able to do and even though there is still margin for improvement I can do it!  A couple of other things that came up include, being able to bend over and tie your shoes without propping your foot up on a chair, or being able to curl up on the couch into a ball and still be able to breathe, and feeling strength that you thought was gone because of age.  This is what keeps you going back it is not the constant lecture that you need to exercise it’s the little everyday things like walking up the steps without getting winded or keeping up with the kids or grandkids.  So how do you get to the point where the second quote comes true, “I don’t workout because I hate my body I workout because I love it” This could possibly be the biggest obstacle and one of the most important to overcome.  Honestly I started my “diets” for this reason, no not because I loved it but because I hated my body.  When I started my journey I started to realize that it’s not about being skinny or the perfect body shape and that I really do enjoy being active.  Another difference is when I would start a “diet” I could always see the end and it didn’t result in the perfect body…I was not a believer, I hoped but didn’t believe.  On my journey there isn’t an end except for the inevitable and I believe that is a long road ahead and I am going to enjoy it!  This isn’t a point you are going to reach after a couple of visits to the gym or a couple walks around town…it takes time but you have to push past the negative and look for the positive.  The best tip I can give is that you have to find something you enjoy and you will eventually find so many more things you enjoy because you have discovered that you CAN! 
Here are a few reasons that I enjoy the gym:
·        The equipment – most common at home you have one piece of equipment and I get bored easy so it is easier for it to become a clothes rack.
·        I am going – we live in a society on the go, for me it is easier if I have to go somewhere, at home there are always other things that need done or a couch calling my name.
·        The people – this is probably the biggest for me I love the people and knowing I am not alone.  Sometimes I like to put my headphones on with just me in my bubble but I still know they are there and other times I like to chitchat it makes the time go by faster.  I don’t get out much this is my social hour. J Also, if I have a down day lacking motivation there is a good chance someone else is not and I borrow some motivation.
·        Its like family – the members have become like family it’s the sense of belonging.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

You can learn a lot from a 4 year old…

If you ever want to check yourself a bit on what you are eating go hang out with a preschooler.  Cade has been learning about healthy eating and what is good and bad in our diets.  They call them healthy food and sometimes food.  Well let’s just say it seemed at the time that we were eating a lot of sometimes food.  I felt like every time he asked if this is sometimes food or healthy food I was answering with sometimes food. 

We often look at a Healthy Cookbook and think that sounds great but my family won’t eat that.  While that is sometimes true I think a lot of times it is in our head more than the family.  Take Cade and I for instance, we were in the grocery store one day and Cade asked if he could get a snack, my thoughts went right to something like cookies, when I said I suppose he responded with, “could you help me find a healfy snack like yogurt or something?”  At that point I was almost ashamed and very glad that I did not mention what was on my mind.  How often do we change their thoughts with our habits?  When I think about this I go straight to thinking about childhood obesity, so many of us think there is nothing we can do but we are supplying their food.  If we don’t buy it they can’t eat it and if we just take time to listen to them before speaking our thoughts they might just make the better choice.

All of this also makes me think of what I am eating and choices I make.  I was all set to share a cookie that day and thanks to Cade we had yogurt instead.  And every time I have the answer of “sometimes food” it makes me stop and think.  While even healthy foods need to be portion controlled there are many things that aren’t terrible but I would still consider them sometimes food.  There are also ways to make the sometimes food a little better and sometimes it is the little changes that make a big difference.  I have a Healthy Cooking Class this Thursday at 6pm that is going to discuss just that.  As I was talking about the Healthy Cookbooks earlier, it is often the case that the ingredients are something you haven’t heard of or it is almost impossible to find in our area.  This class is going to focus on making over your favorites.  This class is open to the public the cost is $10 for non-members and $5 for members.

So while I think I have been doing a pretty good job at watching what I eat Cade is definitely keeping me on my toes.  Maybe we need to just stop and think like a 4 year old.  Also hats off to Precious People Staff for teaching some great lessons!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Stop trying to be Skinny...

We have been on this journey for about 33 weeks if my count is correct if it is not it should be close.  When I started this journey I had a goal of weight loss, as I continue down this path my goals are changing.  If you have been following along I tend to “refocus” quite often.  Is this a bad thing? Not necessarily as long as my goals are still going in the right direction.  I was struggling a bit on what to write about this week when I heard some AWESOME news.  I won’t mention names but this person told me that since starting to exercise and making healthier choices that they have dropped their cholesterol 100pts!!!! The more I think about this the more great I think it is.  You have to be extremely proud of yourself I know I am proud of you.  So with that story I knew this was the right topic.

If you read last weeks article you may remember the quote “Stop trying to be skinny and start trying to be healthy” this is an excellent quote for this week.  We all have the super model image in our mind that we are trying so desperately to fill. My question is Why? Why do we have to look like that? Is that really what is going to make us happy?  Probably not, if the truth were known you could even ask the super models if they are happy with their body and most likely they are just like us and can pick out a feature that they would like to change.  My image of skinny seems to always change the closer I get to my goal. So why not work for the feeling instead of the size 0?  After all I am pretty sure my bones are not a size 0. So what’s the point?
I have always struggled with my weight in fact stepping on the scale in the morning used to predict how my day would go.  That makes total sense right? It used to, to me, but now that is the craziest thing I have heard.  Why does that matter on my journey to a healthier lifestyle?  Before you stop reading think of it this way.  If I am capable of performing my life with ease or at least without struggling why does it matter what size my pants are or what the number on the scales reads?  Now the scale is a common and easy measurement of progress but it is not necessarily the best and it is the worst to get wrapped up in, especially when it sets the tone of your whole day.  Now you may be thinking back to the beginning of this journey the No Excuses motto.  You are absolutely right this could easily become an excuse and lead me back to where I started.  I am not aiming this for an excuse and I am going to be sure to watch myself so that it does not become one.  I am just changing my focus to enhance my journey.  I am focusing on the food I consume and the output or activity.  I want my organs and muscles to be in great shape and I feel that as I progress to that “my” perfect body shape will follow.  I will still weigh myself, of course, because it is the most convenient measurement but I won’t let it rule my journey.  I am starting to realize that it is about so much more than being skinny, 150 pounds or a size 5.  And I will say that this realization isn’t the same as when I would say it so that I could just accept that I will never be “skinny”.  This realization comes with the fact that your perfect body size and shape and my perfect size and shape do not have to be the same.  There are so many other measurements of health that tell me if I am on the right path.  So if you have lowered your dose of diabetic meds or dropped your cholesterol 100 pts but the scales only read a few pounds less…so what, you have made amazing accomplishments.  Keep going on your journey your weight will follow suite!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Stick with it!

So we have been on this journey for quite some time now.  I hope you are doing well and are noticing the effects of your lifestyle changes.  There has been a lot of talk around here about the changes.  It is very gratifying to me to listen to these successes even though you are the ones sweating it out.  We have started a new class, 4-week calorie blast, and I must say the progress I see in this group, as with a lot of my members, from when they started is absolutely amazing!

This week my message is to anyone who is just starting or might be feeling a bit discouraged like you are not getting anywhere.  Stick with it because you may not see it but you are making some pretty huge changes and if you keep making positive changes the weight loss will come.  A quote I saw today said “Stop trying to be skinny and start trying to be healthy” Your weight will probably take care of itself if you do.  And I have become a huge believer of that.  Several times people who haven’t known me forever will think that this comes natural to me and that I have always been this way. I will admit myself that this is the first time I have stuck to an exercise routine for this long.  Don’t get me wrong I have always had some exercise in my life.  Although I was just like a lot of people and I would be really, really good for a while then I would get comfortable, or for me lazy might be a better term, and I would fall off my routine until I was right back to where I started.  Honestly I never really got very far because my lapses got closer and closer together.  My heaviest weight (without being pregnant) was close to 200 pounds I wish I could say for my height that is not that terrible but I am not that tall.  After opening Your Life Fitness I have actually really noticed the changes not only in size but also in my abilities and my self-confidence.  Before I would do exercise videos and feel like I was going to die.  I did get to the point that I could get through them and to where I was completing all sections but never really got to the point that I felt I needed to kick it up to get a workout.  Now I have gone back and not only completed some of the videos but even felt like I could do more.  I will admit with it being my job to workout it does make it a bit easier to stick with it…I don’t have a choice people are counting on me but if you stick with it I promise you will see the changes too and you are so worth it.  It is not going to happen overnight, I am a year and a half in and I still have room to improve.  Permanent changes take time, effort and hard work.  Another quote I see often is “If you want maximum results use maximum effort.”

A big thing I have to keep reminding myself is “I am worth it and I deserve to feel good and be healthy.”   Often times, (I would almost venture to say always) we are the only ones who get in our way of our dreams.   When I was working on my business plan for the fitness center I was talking some things over with a friend and at one point she looked at me and said “Quit sabotaging yourself!”  I had never thought about anything like that before and she was absolutely right.  I still hear her saying that to me anytime I find myself doubting my ability.
So quit sabotaging yourself and stick with your changes you are worth it!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Chocolate – Good for you?

Everyone likes chocolate, ok well the vast majority I am sure as soon as you say everyone someone will not agree.  Anyway my guess is that you have heard the recent studies that say chocolate is good for you, right?  And if you are like me that is when you stopped listening to the report. All I need to know is that it is good for me. J

Ok well that really isn’t all you should know.  According to an article on written by Mark Stibich, Ph.D, dark chocolate is where the health benefits flourish.  He states that chocolate is made from plants and contains many of the health benefits of dark vegetables.  By now you probably know that the darker the vegetable the better.  The benefits come from flavonoids which act as antioxidants.  Dark chocolate contains nearly 8 times the number of antioxidants found in strawberries!  Are you thinking what I am thinking…. strawberries dipped in dark chocolate, win win!

Studies have shown that consuming a small bar of dark chocolate everyday can reduce blood pressure and lower LDL cholesterol by up to 10%.  Other benefits of dark chocolate include: it tastes good, it gives a feeling of pleasure, it contains serotonin, which acts as an anti-depressant, and it contains caffeine, which is a stimulant.

Now you may also be aware that chocolate contains a lot of fat.  Here is some more good news.  Mark Stibich states that the fats in chocolate are 1/3 of each, oleic acid, stearic acid and palmitic acid.  Palmitic is the only one, which raises cholesterol and the risk of heart disease.  Oleic acid is also found in olive oil (healthy fat) and stearic acid is saturated but seems to have a neutral effect on cholesterol.

This is the part where we tend to stop listening.  Although dark chocolate is good for you it still contains calories.  One bar of dark chocolate contains about 400 calories. If you would eat half of that for 200 calories you need to be sure that you exchange something else so that you still remain in check for total daily calorie count.  While dark chocolate has claim to health benefits milk or white chocolate do not.  To be dark chocolate it must have 65% or higher cocoa content.

So just remember these few tips and enjoy dark chocolate everyday!
1.      Go for the dark chocolate
2.      Skip the caramel and nougat they just add sugar and fat and defeat your purpose.
3.      Avoid washing it down with milk.  It is said that a glass of milk could prevent your body from absorbing the antioxidants.
4.      And probably the most important to avoid hampering your journey…balance your calories.  Be sure to make the exchange not add to you daily balance.

So grab some dark chocolate and forget the guilt!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Ignore the product label and head straight for the ingredients list!

Ok so this series of “How bad is it?” has been interesting and a little frustrating for me.  You can find just about anything on the Internet, including just what ever it is you want to hear.  This week I decided to research whole grains, triggered by my search on good carbs, bad carbs.  I used to think that complex meant good and simple meant bad, well if you read my article last week you found that both categories have both good and bad.  So how in the heck do you make your grocery list and keep your sanity without spending hours and hours at the store?  Ignore the front labels and looking at the back.  The nutrition label is helpful but the real test is the ingredients. 
The less ingredients the better if you are looking at something like bread.  You hear a lot about whole wheat bread, so I switched to whole wheat bread.  Then that wasn’t the right stuff it needed to be 100% whole wheat. Now I am finding even that is not truly the best.  Here are some examples:
This is ingredient list on a package of 100% Whole Wheat bread
“Whole Wheat Flour, Water, Gluten, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Yeast, Cracked Wheat, Salt, Partially Hydrogenated Soybean Oil, Molasses, Raisin Juice Concentrate, Ethoxylated Mono-And Diglycerides Calcium Propionate (Preservative), Honey, Soy Lecithin.”
Remember a couple weeks ago we talked about the partially hydrogenated and we hear about fructose corn syrup all the time and these are towards the beginning of the list meaning they have a greater proportion in the mix.  If you are unaware of ingredient lists here is a little tip.  The ingredients are listed in order of proportion so whole wheat flour has the largest measurement of all the ingredients listed and soy lecithin has the least.
So another option, this loaf of bread said Natural 100% Whole Wheat:
Unbleached Enriched Wheat Flour [Flour, Malted Barley Flour, Reduced Iron, Niacin, Thiamin Mononitrate (Vitamin B1), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) Folic Acid], Water, Cracked Wheat, Whole Wheat Flour, Yeast, Barley, Honey, Fructose, Wheat Gluten, Partially Hydrogenated Soybean Oil, Salt, Wheat Bran, Malt, Ethoxylated Mono-And Diglycerides, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Calcium Propionate (Preservative), Caramel Color, Whey, Soy Flour, Calcium Carbonate, Soy Lecithin, Nonfat Milk.”
Here is the third example:
Stone Ground Whole Wheat Flour, Water, Yeast, Salt, Calcium Propionate

Catch the differences? I bet you did. They both have partially hydrogenated soybean oil and high fructose corn syrup...junk.  But if you didn’t notice the second option says unbleached enriched wheat flour, this is borderline fake whole wheat bread.  The difference with this and white bread is probably one process, which removes the color.  I don’t know that for a fact I did not research the process.  The third example is the best for three reasons that come to my mind immediately.  There is only 5 ingredients, I know what they are and how to pronounce them and it does not include the partially hydrogenated and fructose.  Had we just looked at the product label we likely would have migrated towards the Natural 100% Whole Wheat, right?
Next time you go to the store check out the ingredients…if you don’t know what they are your body doesn’t either.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Good carbs, bad carbs, no carbs…

The world of carbohydrates is so confusing! There’s good carbs, bad carbs, complex carbs, simple carbs….Agh.  Lets see if we can clear this up by figuring out just what they are, what they do and where they come from.
What are they and what is their purpose? Carbohydrates are a simple union of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.  There that clears that up. Just kidding.  Actually the definition of carbohydrate is just that.  That does nothing for me so lets discover the purpose.  Carbohydrates are broke down to two groups simple and complex.  Simple carbohydrates are found in things like refined sugar, candy, fruit and milk.  Complex carbohydrates are found in grain products such as breads, crackers, pasta and rice.  Both groups have some not so great choices and better choices.  Fruit and milk are obviously better choices than candy and unrefined grains, such as wheat flour, are better choices than refined grains such as white flour and white rice.  The refining or processing removes nutrients and fibers so if they are unrefined they still contain these vitamins and minerals.  Unrefined grains are rich in fiber, which helps your digestive system work well.
When you eat carbs your body breaks them down to simple sugars, which are absorbed in the bloodstream.  So why not just eat them as simple sugars?  As the sugar levels rise in the body the pancreas releases a hormone, insulin.  Insulin is needed to move the sugar from the blood to the cells where the sugars can be used as energy.  With simple sugars this process goes fast, with complex carbs this is a slower process.   When this process occurs fast you are more likely to feel hungry again sooner, when it goes slow you feel full longer.
So why the low carb/no carb diets?  Cutting carbs restricts so many of the foods that are normally accompanied by fat that dieters often end up cutting their total calorie intake.  The body draining glycogen stores for energy causes the initial rapid weight loss.  Each glycogen gram used releases 3 grams of water with the result being almost immediate weight loss due to increased urination.  After about 2 weeks increased urination ends and so does the rapid weight loss phase.

Monday, March 12, 2012


This weeks topic in “I know it is bad for me but just how bad is it” is fat.  The minute we think about a “diet” or eating healthy we think eliminate fat or fat-free.  Let’s look a little deeper into fat.
You can hear fat talked about with different names such as saturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, and monounsaturated fat, lipids, trans fat, etc. There are 4 main categories of fats; I will break it down for you in hopefully more common terms.
Saturated Fats – These are the biggest dietary cause of high bad cholesterol or LDL levels.  This is the fat you want to avoid or limit to 10% of your calories.  These fats are found in animal products such as butter, cheese, whole milk, ice cream, cream and fatty meats.  Some vegetable oils such as coconut, palm and palm kernel oils also contain saturated fats. Most other oils contain unsaturated fats and are healthy. Saturated fats are considered “bad fats”
Unsaturated fats – When used in place of saturated fats, these fats actually help to lower blood cholesterol.  However they still have a lot of calories so you still have to limit consumption.  Most liquid vegetable oils are unsaturated.  The exceptions were listed above. There are two types of unsaturated fats: Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated. Some examples of mono include olive and canola oils, poly examples include fish, safflower, sunflower, corn and soybean oils.  Unsaturated fats are considered “good fats”.
Trans fatty acids – These fats form when vegetable oil hardens in a process called hydrogenation and can raise LDL or bad cholesterol levels.  They can also lower HDL or good cholesterol levels.  Trans fatty acids are often found in processed foods, fried foods, commercial baked goods and margarines.  Good news is this fat has gotten such a bad rap that it is being eliminated in processing.  This is where you see a lot of products labeled “No trans fat”.  Not to be confused with fat free but it is at least taking out the worst of it.
Hydrogenated and Partially hydrogenated fats - This refers to the process listed above in Trans fatty acids.  This includes products such as butter and margarine. Foods made with hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils should be avoided because they contain high levels of trans fatty acids, which are linked heart disease.  You will find this in the list of ingredients the above three are listed in the nutrition label although it is not always separated.
That gives you a little bit of background on types of fats.  Fats actually have a function in your diet.  Fat is one of the three nutrients, along with protein and carbohydrates, which supply the body with calories and is essential for proper functioning of the body. Essential fatty acids are not made by the body therefore must be obtained from food.  There are supplements such as fish oil that can be added to help you with getting enough good fatty acids.  However anytime you use a supplement you should use it as just that to supplement your diet not to take place of it.  So just what does the fatty acids do for us?  They help in controlling inflammation, blood clotting, and brain development.  But that is not all…they also help maintain healthy skin and hair and move vitamins A, D, E and K through the blood stream.
So cutting fat is a little more involved than just switching to fat free.  This does not mean you want to look for higher fats because they are essential.  The typical American diet has plenty of fat the trick is to minimize and move towards the good fats.  This is something to keep in mind…If the fat is in liquid form when it is cool it is better for you than if it hardens when cool (saturated).  Butter and animal fats harden when cooled use them sparingly, olive oil or vegetable oil stay at a liquid state so they are better for you.  This doesn’t mean you can use them freely they still have calories and plenty of them so you still need to cut them to a responsible amount.  Another thing to think of reduced fat or fat free is not always best, it depends on what it is and this will take some time to figure out.  One which comes to my mind is peanut butter, reduced fat peanut butter is stripped of the good fats you are better off using a natural blend.  How is that for a little food for thought?  Watch your food labels it is very interesting.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


This week I am going to kick off a series "I know its not good for me but just how bad is it?"
Let's start with soda, we all know it is not good for us and we still drink it.  I myself find it sometimes easier to avoid things more often if I understand more about what it is doing to me.  I don't tend to drink a lot of soda anymore but I do get on a kick once in a while where it seems that I drink one everyday.  And I find most often it is the carbonation I crave not so much the taste of the soda.  So I did some research on the effects of soda and then some suggestions on what to replace it with.  Bad news first, some of these I knew but some of it I didn't.
1.  A well-known effect is increased risk of diabetes and obesity.  This is what we hear most about.  Each soda increases your risk by 1.6 times.  That is quite a bit for a single can of soda.
2.  Soda has high counts of phosphorus and little to no calcium.  Not a shock but here comes the part that was new to me...If you get high levels of phosphorus and low levels of calcium in your blood, your body will resort to taking calcium from your bones. This is a major factor contributing to osteoporosis.  And children who drink soda have a higher risk of breaking bones.
3. The sugar in one can of soda damages the white blood cells ability to ingest and kill gonococcal bacteria.  What is that you may ask. (I did)It is the bacteria that cause gonorrhea. Further information on gonorrhea....well that is a whole new topic we won't go into that.
4. Soda has the same ph level as vinegar! If vinegar and soda were both put on metal they would both cause it to rust.  You have probably heard "to clean battery cables use Coke" it really works imagine what it does to our insides.
5.  Large amounts of aspartame can lead to brain tumors.  Now I did not do much research into this as to what levels are considered large and such but if you have concerns about this I would suggest digging a little deeper.
6. The acid in soda dissolves tooth enamel.  You would often think that it would be the sugar but it is the acid.  So which soda is the worst?  You would think it would be Coke after the battery cable cleaning but it is...MOUNTAIN DEW! Followed by Arizona Iced Tea, Sprite and Ginger ale. These were 2-4 times as corrosive as the colas.  A&W Root Beer showed no damage. Hmmm..Root beer floats any one! Okay scratch that last thought.
These findings left me thinking... So how much is a safe level to consume?  Obviously to completely eliminate would be best but I like the idea of all things in moderation.  What I found is a can a day is probably not going to kill you but your safest bet is to minimize it to occasional consumption.  So what are some healthier alternatives? Here is a list:
Green Tea, Jeltzer (mix 1 part your favorite fruit juice with 3 parts Seltzer), Stevia, Tonic & Lime with a sprig of fresh mint (I would guess you should probably leave out the Gin on a regular basis), Red Wine is fine in moderation (4oz a day for Women, 2 drinks for men), Low sodium vegetable juice, soy milk, tea infuser or coffee without cream and sugar.  The jeltzer thing caught my eye because as I stated before I tend to crave the carbonation more than anything and when that is the case vegetable juice just is not going to cut it. Should have wrote this before I went grocery shopping. So think twice next time you pop a top on another soda.  See what you can come up with for alternatives it just might give you the boost you needed.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Perspective is key…

No matter what changes you are making in your life there are always discouraging moments.  It is not wrong to feel this way although if you continue to let the same things pile up and wear you down it is going to make you want to quit.  You know that quitting isn’t the answer even if it feels like what you are doing is pointless.  On a journey for a healthier lifestyle such as ours the scale is often the trigger of these feelings and when week after week you don’t see a loss or even see a gain it can pile up and make you want to quit.  This is when perspective is key. 
Is your glass half full or half empty?  Ever notice that when you focus on the negative it seems to multiply?  Its like fueling a fire…If the gas line to the fire is wide open it will burn forever, if you cut off the source the fire will burn itself out.  The fuel for this fire is our thoughts.  Even though the scale may not be telling you what you want to hear, these changes have so many benefits that are not visible to the eye. “Don’t judge a book by its cover” the inside is making so many changes it is going to take time.  You didn’t gain 50 pounds overnight you are not going to lose it overnight!  Here are some suggestions that may help you fight the discouragement and continue on with your journey.
  1. Read a book – find a book that is motivational to you.  This doesn’t mean that it has to be a self-help book although there are some good ones out there.  It can be a fiction book with a happy ending or a novel or whatever you like to read.  Focus on this book until you feel your discouragement subside.
  2. “You possess what you confess” – I seen this saying in an article and I think I like it.  Remember how I mentioned that when we gain we use the “muscle weighs more than fat” card even though we know it is more the junk we have been feeding our bodies?  This saying makes me think about that.  We have to stop with the excuses and confess to ourselves! Meaning be honest with yourself about what you are doing.
  3. Revisit journaling!  As we progress on our journey we often start slipping on our journaling.  Or maybe you are keeping up with it but are just numb when you write it not really paying attention to the list.  Jump back to faithfully writing in a food journal. If you bite it write it!  If you are still doing this look back over it and you may find the culprit of the weight loss halt.
  4. STRESS!  Stress is a major factor.  Are you overdoing it?  Is your life a bit hectic lately?  What can you do to release a bit of stress?  Take some time for yourself and let a little go.
  5. Rest! – We lead very busy lifestyles and often don’t give our bodies the rest it needs.  Be sure to give yourself time to rest and recover.  A little TLC.

Cut the fuel to the fire, change the thoughts that are feeding the discouragement.  This brings to mind another favorite quote for me….

“Change your thoughts, change your world”

Monday, February 20, 2012


How do you feel about competition?  Ever notice that sometimes everything seems like a competition.  Some of my past topics have discussed comparing yourself to others and a younger you but something I tend to overlook is what effect does my competitiveness have on the people around me.  I don’t like to lose but then again who does?  I am talking more about the uninvited competition.  We all have that one acquaintance that is always one step ahead and makes damn sure you know about it.  Just like we all have that friend, I am sure at some point or another we are viewed as that person by others after all I wouldn’t think that people set out to torment a friend on a regular basis.  Often times the people we feel we are competing against don’t even realize their actions.

On this journey, I am talking about the person that just happens to be a size smaller than you and wants to hand down their fat clothes to you.  In some instances you might not give it much thought but in others it can completely torment you.  Imagine (or maybe you have experienced it too) handing a pair of jeans to a friend and saying: “here I bought these jeans but they are just WAY to big for me I thought maybe you could fit them” instantly I am offended.  So on the defense I try them on and can’t get them up let alone think about buttoning them.  Even though I am in the best shape I have ever been right now I feel like a beached whale and completely awful about myself.  Now imagine if you would have said, “I bought this pair of jeans that don’t fit would you like to try them?” You still have the same intentions but my self-esteem is still in tact whether they fit or not. 
Make sure you picture yourself on both ends of that scenario.  Does it make you feel better by knowing that you are that much smaller?  Or how about that the other person thinks of you as smaller but not really in a size aspect?  To me this whole thing is a self-esteem issue.  You feel great about your success and it makes it even better if you are more successful than anyone else.  Don’t try to deny it; it is the way of our society, ever heard of “keeping up with the Jones’? Who doesn’t want to be the Jones’?
But we have to remember you are the only one that can put a value on your self-esteem/self worth.  Meaning someone else does not set whether you are self worthy or not.  Only you decide that so the size difference only matters if you let it.  Obviously that is easier said than done.  On the flip side, consider how you are making others feel.  I am going to leave you with this question:

If you could climb Mt. Everest but could tell no one, would you still do it?
If you could wear a size 5 jeans but never mention it would you still be so worried about the number on the tag?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Celebrate and reward yourself!

Last week I talked about results, this week I need to be reminded on how to reward myself.  How many of you get a great report from the scales, the doctor or the measuring tapes and celebrates with food?  And if you are like me it is not good food it is the bad for you stuff that got us in this predicament in the first place!

I was so happy with the results of my measurements last week and this week I have been eating like crap, to put it mildly.  Seems as though I can’t get enough sweets.  So I started off feeling great about myself and now not only am I not real happy with myself I feel a bit sluggish too.  This always makes me think of a conversation I had with my Grandma, about always rewarding ourselves with dessert.  So here is a reminder for us all about celebrating our successes.

6 Suggestions on rewards:
  1. A day of rest and relaxation, get a massage or just let yourself relax.
  2. Buy yourself something such as a new pair of shoes or something that has been on your wish list even something to help continue to your overall goal
  3. Share your success! And accept the compliments.  Everyone likes a pat on the back once in a while.
  4. Spend a day doing activities with the family. Go bowling, skating or to a movie.
  5. Do something you enjoy but rarely have time to do.
  6. Reflect on your journey.

Here are some reasons to celebrate:
  1. Clarity – if we set measurable goals it is clear reason to celebrate
  2. Motivation to continue – We get a sense of accomplishment when we meet a goal and if we reward/celebrate it makes those successes stand out and make you want to reach the next goal.
  3. Creativity – a sense of accomplishment makes us feel good which frees up creative thoughts within and when we feel good we are more positive.
  4. Quicker results – All the above combine to keep us productive and lead to quicker results because we stay focused.

That was a much-needed reminder for me!  It is easy to slide back into old habits, if we keep this up pretty soon this will be an old habit.  Stay focused, what is your next goal?  I would love to be able to share some of your successes; you can email them ( or stop in and share.  Hearing other people’s successes is great motivation also!  I have heard probably at least 5 times this week people mentioning that they can tell they are making a difference and it never gets old. Great job, and keep up the good work!

Monday, January 30, 2012


Each week I talk about different obstacles on our journey.  It is high time I talk about some milestones.  Very seldom have I started a “diet” and taken measurements other than my weight.  You have heard me talk before about trying not to get so wrapped up in what the scales say because there is so much that goes into what you weigh.  A few times I have actually forced myself to take measurements only to not think of it again until the next time I start a “diet”.  Last year about this time I started an 8-week Fitness Challenge, which began with a fitness assessment including taking measurements, weight and performing a series of exercises.  Once again I didn’t really take my measurements at the end.  Well the other day I had a couple of members who wanted to take measurements so I took mine too.  I retrieved the assessment results from last year and then compared.  My weight change was 7 pounds.  Ok now normally I would look at this and think…A whole year and I only lost 7 pounds!  This is where the measurements show a better picture.  I lost a total of 9 ¾”! Including 2” off my waist, 1 ½” off my hips and 1 ¼ off each thigh (which have always been tree trunks).  Now I ask myself why I never followed through to take end measurements.  I wonder if I had, if it would have made a difference in my attitude towards making healthy changes.  And I wonder this because I put so much focus on what the scales said.  How many of you will get up in the morning and step on the scales to either find that you only lost one pound this week or you gained ½ of a pound?  Instantly you feel discouraged and helpless, right?  And then go get a donut for breakfast and spend the day gorging on chocolate and self-pity.  Oh yes I have been there plenty.  This could have very well been my perception of looking back at my weight had I not taken measurements.  Really, a whole year and only 7 pounds?  I can remember losing that in a week.  By seeing the measurements I felt like I can actually say “muscle weighs more than fat” and not feel like I was making an excuse.  We all know it is a fact that muscle does weigh more than fat, it also takes up less space than fat.  It becomes an excuse when deep down you know the reason you didn’t loose is because you ate at McDonald’s twice this week and three servings of a cheesy pasta dish not to mention the snacks.  Check out the picture at the top of five pounds of fat vs. five pounds of lean muscle: Imagine you could actually weigh the exact same as you do now and be about ¾ your size.
I do hear a lot of people say that they pay attention to how clothes fit or can tell when they have to buy smaller sizes.  In this case this still wouldn’t have saved me from the disappointment because I still wear the same size, I suppose they were possibly the wrong fit before…
So if you would like to have another form of measurement than just the scales try this fitness assessment.  Take your measurements at your chest, waist, hips, thighs, and biceps, be sure to write them down with the date.  Then time yourself for a minute each and track how many you can do of crunches and push-ups.  Write it down.  Now see how long you can do a wall sit (lean against a wall slide down to a seated position with legs @ 90) be sure to write it down.  Now run or walk a mile and write down your time.  Reassess this every month to two months.  Keep in mind the longer you work on something the better the results.  Remember to have reasonable expectations and not set yourself up for failure.  Also everyone starts somewhere, DO NOT COMPARE yourself to your friend or even yourself 5 years ago.  What is now is what it is!
Begin or continue your journey of healthier living with nutrition and exercise.  Don’t forget to follow through to the post assessment.  It really does make a difference!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Accepting Compliments

Have you ever really thought about how you take a compliment?  This is something that I have been working on (well on and off).  If you are like me, so often when someone compliments us we brush it off “Oh it was nothing”, “I had a lot of help” or somehow we try to convince the person giving the compliment that they must be insane.  It’s kind of like when you spend the whole week cleaning the house for company and when they get there the first thing you say is “Sorry the house is such a mess!” When you are really thinking “I have worked my a$$ off on this house you better notice how clean it is!” It’s a good thing people really are not mind readers sometimes.  Why is it so easy to dismiss a compliment but the minute someone says something negative it must be gospel?  I have something that I have been working really hard at for quite a while and I hear great things about it, then one person who knows nothing about this project smarts off a derogatory comment and it has me stewing for weeks.  When I get a compliment it puts me on cloud 9 for about 20 seconds just long enough for me to say how it could be better and then one negative comment that I know is crap hangs there for weeks.  Does this make sense? Absolutely not!  How do we get this way? Or a better question is how do we change this way?
This same habit plays havoc on many things in our lives including our quest to be healthier.   It seems like sometimes you can loose 30 pounds before someone takes notice and the minute they do… the first thing we say is “I have got a long way to go” When we should be saying “Thank you it is not easy but I am working on it and I feel great thanks for noticing” Now when you slip a little and gain back 5 pounds or wear the wrong outfit that just isn’t that flattering and someone comments “wow she/he is really packing it back on” Even if you have not gained anything back your confidence takes a nose dive and your progress slows or even vanishes.  Or maybe you had gained a little back it is so much harder to start again because you have that one comment lingering and it must make you worthless. (That was sarcasm by the way) Well guess what! You are probably being harder on yourself than the person making the comment and the only person who can value your self worth is your self.  Words are just words your thoughts give them meaning.  Making healthy changes or working on a project are likely to always need improving but the progress you have made is outstanding!  The day we stop improving or learning is the day we die.  I am not ready to call it quits just like I am not going to let this comment slow me on the road to success.  It doesn’t matter where you have been or where you expected you would be, you are what you are right now and you are shaping your road for the future.  It is your choice and only your choice of what kind of road it will be.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Life’s Hectic

Life is getting very busy around here! Some days I feel a bit overwhelmed and just want to hideaway for a day but of course that would only make tomorrow worse… When life gets busy it is very easy to let our healthy habits venture slide to the wayside.  We tend to slip a little and then get disappointed and fall off completely only to regret it ten fold when we come to our senses.  It seems to me the only thing that keeps me grounded right now is my workouts.  Thank goodness letting that slip really isn’t an option for me because before Your Life Fitness that is one of the first things to go just like it is for most people.  I am becoming a firm believer in the stress relief of exercise, I always believed it but just didn’t really make it top priority.  Now my workouts are very refreshing and it just seems to stop the world for that time and I have more energy.
Here are a couple of tips to help you fit your workouts in on such a busy schedule.
  1. Workouts do not have to be 90 minutes long!  A brief 10-15 minute workout can be very effective especially when it is either that or nothing.
  2. Find a workout buddy.  It is harder to cut it out when someone else is depending on you.  Find a class to join where people are expecting you.
  3. Schedule workouts 2-3 days a week.  So many times we pencil in a workout for everyday of the week and then feel overwhelmed by adding that much more on our list.  By making our goal more attainable we put less pressure on ourselves and still benefit greatly from exercise.
  4. Split your workouts into 3 parts.  It is still effective to workout 10 minutes in the morning; maybe a brief 10-minute walk on your lunch, and 10 minutes while supper is in the oven.  These days we have become great at multi tasking.
  5. Make a list! Write down a list each day and prioritize what you need to do.  No matter how small the task write it down.  By making a list we eliminate the time we spend thinking about what to do next. (I know I am not the only one who does this)  Also being able to cross off tasks on your list and see how much you are getting done can be very motivating.  Be careful not to go over zealous either; be sure you are being reasonable in your expectations.  And put your workout on your list at least 2-3 days a week.
  6. Slow down! I saved this for last because it is probably the hardest and if we were able to do this we probably wouldn’t need the tips above.  That being said you are 10x more effective when you are well rested so be sure that you are allowing your body to rest also.

Believe me I am not perfect at these tips and they are meant to remind me as well as you.  I also need a constant reminder that the more I take care of myself the more I am able to take care of those around me.  This week is going to require a lot of focus for me and after writing this; my list is the next thing on my list!
Have a great week!