Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Life’s Hectic

Life is getting very busy around here! Some days I feel a bit overwhelmed and just want to hideaway for a day but of course that would only make tomorrow worse… When life gets busy it is very easy to let our healthy habits venture slide to the wayside.  We tend to slip a little and then get disappointed and fall off completely only to regret it ten fold when we come to our senses.  It seems to me the only thing that keeps me grounded right now is my workouts.  Thank goodness letting that slip really isn’t an option for me because before Your Life Fitness that is one of the first things to go just like it is for most people.  I am becoming a firm believer in the stress relief of exercise, I always believed it but just didn’t really make it top priority.  Now my workouts are very refreshing and it just seems to stop the world for that time and I have more energy.
Here are a couple of tips to help you fit your workouts in on such a busy schedule.
  1. Workouts do not have to be 90 minutes long!  A brief 10-15 minute workout can be very effective especially when it is either that or nothing.
  2. Find a workout buddy.  It is harder to cut it out when someone else is depending on you.  Find a class to join where people are expecting you.
  3. Schedule workouts 2-3 days a week.  So many times we pencil in a workout for everyday of the week and then feel overwhelmed by adding that much more on our list.  By making our goal more attainable we put less pressure on ourselves and still benefit greatly from exercise.
  4. Split your workouts into 3 parts.  It is still effective to workout 10 minutes in the morning; maybe a brief 10-minute walk on your lunch, and 10 minutes while supper is in the oven.  These days we have become great at multi tasking.
  5. Make a list! Write down a list each day and prioritize what you need to do.  No matter how small the task write it down.  By making a list we eliminate the time we spend thinking about what to do next. (I know I am not the only one who does this)  Also being able to cross off tasks on your list and see how much you are getting done can be very motivating.  Be careful not to go over zealous either; be sure you are being reasonable in your expectations.  And put your workout on your list at least 2-3 days a week.
  6. Slow down! I saved this for last because it is probably the hardest and if we were able to do this we probably wouldn’t need the tips above.  That being said you are 10x more effective when you are well rested so be sure that you are allowing your body to rest also.

Believe me I am not perfect at these tips and they are meant to remind me as well as you.  I also need a constant reminder that the more I take care of myself the more I am able to take care of those around me.  This week is going to require a lot of focus for me and after writing this; my list is the next thing on my list!
Have a great week!

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