Monday, January 30, 2012


Each week I talk about different obstacles on our journey.  It is high time I talk about some milestones.  Very seldom have I started a “diet” and taken measurements other than my weight.  You have heard me talk before about trying not to get so wrapped up in what the scales say because there is so much that goes into what you weigh.  A few times I have actually forced myself to take measurements only to not think of it again until the next time I start a “diet”.  Last year about this time I started an 8-week Fitness Challenge, which began with a fitness assessment including taking measurements, weight and performing a series of exercises.  Once again I didn’t really take my measurements at the end.  Well the other day I had a couple of members who wanted to take measurements so I took mine too.  I retrieved the assessment results from last year and then compared.  My weight change was 7 pounds.  Ok now normally I would look at this and think…A whole year and I only lost 7 pounds!  This is where the measurements show a better picture.  I lost a total of 9 ¾”! Including 2” off my waist, 1 ½” off my hips and 1 ¼ off each thigh (which have always been tree trunks).  Now I ask myself why I never followed through to take end measurements.  I wonder if I had, if it would have made a difference in my attitude towards making healthy changes.  And I wonder this because I put so much focus on what the scales said.  How many of you will get up in the morning and step on the scales to either find that you only lost one pound this week or you gained ½ of a pound?  Instantly you feel discouraged and helpless, right?  And then go get a donut for breakfast and spend the day gorging on chocolate and self-pity.  Oh yes I have been there plenty.  This could have very well been my perception of looking back at my weight had I not taken measurements.  Really, a whole year and only 7 pounds?  I can remember losing that in a week.  By seeing the measurements I felt like I can actually say “muscle weighs more than fat” and not feel like I was making an excuse.  We all know it is a fact that muscle does weigh more than fat, it also takes up less space than fat.  It becomes an excuse when deep down you know the reason you didn’t loose is because you ate at McDonald’s twice this week and three servings of a cheesy pasta dish not to mention the snacks.  Check out the picture at the top of five pounds of fat vs. five pounds of lean muscle: Imagine you could actually weigh the exact same as you do now and be about ¾ your size.
I do hear a lot of people say that they pay attention to how clothes fit or can tell when they have to buy smaller sizes.  In this case this still wouldn’t have saved me from the disappointment because I still wear the same size, I suppose they were possibly the wrong fit before…
So if you would like to have another form of measurement than just the scales try this fitness assessment.  Take your measurements at your chest, waist, hips, thighs, and biceps, be sure to write them down with the date.  Then time yourself for a minute each and track how many you can do of crunches and push-ups.  Write it down.  Now see how long you can do a wall sit (lean against a wall slide down to a seated position with legs @ 90) be sure to write it down.  Now run or walk a mile and write down your time.  Reassess this every month to two months.  Keep in mind the longer you work on something the better the results.  Remember to have reasonable expectations and not set yourself up for failure.  Also everyone starts somewhere, DO NOT COMPARE yourself to your friend or even yourself 5 years ago.  What is now is what it is!
Begin or continue your journey of healthier living with nutrition and exercise.  Don’t forget to follow through to the post assessment.  It really does make a difference!

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