Thursday, April 19, 2012

Stop trying to be Skinny...

We have been on this journey for about 33 weeks if my count is correct if it is not it should be close.  When I started this journey I had a goal of weight loss, as I continue down this path my goals are changing.  If you have been following along I tend to “refocus” quite often.  Is this a bad thing? Not necessarily as long as my goals are still going in the right direction.  I was struggling a bit on what to write about this week when I heard some AWESOME news.  I won’t mention names but this person told me that since starting to exercise and making healthier choices that they have dropped their cholesterol 100pts!!!! The more I think about this the more great I think it is.  You have to be extremely proud of yourself I know I am proud of you.  So with that story I knew this was the right topic.

If you read last weeks article you may remember the quote “Stop trying to be skinny and start trying to be healthy” this is an excellent quote for this week.  We all have the super model image in our mind that we are trying so desperately to fill. My question is Why? Why do we have to look like that? Is that really what is going to make us happy?  Probably not, if the truth were known you could even ask the super models if they are happy with their body and most likely they are just like us and can pick out a feature that they would like to change.  My image of skinny seems to always change the closer I get to my goal. So why not work for the feeling instead of the size 0?  After all I am pretty sure my bones are not a size 0. So what’s the point?
I have always struggled with my weight in fact stepping on the scale in the morning used to predict how my day would go.  That makes total sense right? It used to, to me, but now that is the craziest thing I have heard.  Why does that matter on my journey to a healthier lifestyle?  Before you stop reading think of it this way.  If I am capable of performing my life with ease or at least without struggling why does it matter what size my pants are or what the number on the scales reads?  Now the scale is a common and easy measurement of progress but it is not necessarily the best and it is the worst to get wrapped up in, especially when it sets the tone of your whole day.  Now you may be thinking back to the beginning of this journey the No Excuses motto.  You are absolutely right this could easily become an excuse and lead me back to where I started.  I am not aiming this for an excuse and I am going to be sure to watch myself so that it does not become one.  I am just changing my focus to enhance my journey.  I am focusing on the food I consume and the output or activity.  I want my organs and muscles to be in great shape and I feel that as I progress to that “my” perfect body shape will follow.  I will still weigh myself, of course, because it is the most convenient measurement but I won’t let it rule my journey.  I am starting to realize that it is about so much more than being skinny, 150 pounds or a size 5.  And I will say that this realization isn’t the same as when I would say it so that I could just accept that I will never be “skinny”.  This realization comes with the fact that your perfect body size and shape and my perfect size and shape do not have to be the same.  There are so many other measurements of health that tell me if I am on the right path.  So if you have lowered your dose of diabetic meds or dropped your cholesterol 100 pts but the scales only read a few pounds less…so what, you have made amazing accomplishments.  Keep going on your journey your weight will follow suite!

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