Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Working out sucks, sometimes…

I get the motivation for this topic from a couple of things I read today.  One was an article titled “Working Out Sucks, Sometimes” and the other was a quote “I don’t workout because I hate my body, I workout because I love it!”  The article “Working out Sucks, Sometimes” caught my eye because it was in a Club Solutions magazine.  Now I don’t know about you but when I saw this I thought now how in the world is that going to help my business?  So of course I had to find out!  This article made me feel like we relate a little more, kind of like I hope my blog helps you feel not so alone on this journey.  The guys from the Club Solutions office workout 4-7 days a week in gyms to research content for their magazine, still I am a little curious where this is going.  I also workout 4 days a week and I just want everyone to love exercise.  Then it started sinking in, even the most avid athletes and exercisers hate to workout sometimes…so what keeps them going?  For me I have made it my job with the fitness classes, even when I don’t feel like it I have others expecting me, I don’t have a choice so to speak.  That contradicts a belief of mine that no matter what you always have a choice, the options may not be great but you ALWAYS have a choice.  But with this maybe I should say my choice is obvious.  But when I don’t have a class 4 days a week, where does the motivation come from to not opt for a cold beverage and a lounge chair when the weather is fantastic? Or a blanket and a book when it is not so fantastic?  I believe I found the answer to this question before I even had the question.  It’s the little things!  We were talking as we were stretching after a workout class and the topic came up about changes you notice after you have been in the routine of working out.  On Monday the common feeling is “Man why did I do that this weekend” but by Tuesday it turns to the changes.  I can now sit on the floor with my feet together out in front of me and reach my toes, this may be easy to some but it is something I have not been able to do and even though there is still margin for improvement I can do it!  A couple of other things that came up include, being able to bend over and tie your shoes without propping your foot up on a chair, or being able to curl up on the couch into a ball and still be able to breathe, and feeling strength that you thought was gone because of age.  This is what keeps you going back it is not the constant lecture that you need to exercise it’s the little everyday things like walking up the steps without getting winded or keeping up with the kids or grandkids.  So how do you get to the point where the second quote comes true, “I don’t workout because I hate my body I workout because I love it” This could possibly be the biggest obstacle and one of the most important to overcome.  Honestly I started my “diets” for this reason, no not because I loved it but because I hated my body.  When I started my journey I started to realize that it’s not about being skinny or the perfect body shape and that I really do enjoy being active.  Another difference is when I would start a “diet” I could always see the end and it didn’t result in the perfect body…I was not a believer, I hoped but didn’t believe.  On my journey there isn’t an end except for the inevitable and I believe that is a long road ahead and I am going to enjoy it!  This isn’t a point you are going to reach after a couple of visits to the gym or a couple walks around town…it takes time but you have to push past the negative and look for the positive.  The best tip I can give is that you have to find something you enjoy and you will eventually find so many more things you enjoy because you have discovered that you CAN! 
Here are a few reasons that I enjoy the gym:
·        The equipment – most common at home you have one piece of equipment and I get bored easy so it is easier for it to become a clothes rack.
·        I am going – we live in a society on the go, for me it is easier if I have to go somewhere, at home there are always other things that need done or a couch calling my name.
·        The people – this is probably the biggest for me I love the people and knowing I am not alone.  Sometimes I like to put my headphones on with just me in my bubble but I still know they are there and other times I like to chitchat it makes the time go by faster.  I don’t get out much this is my social hour. J Also, if I have a down day lacking motivation there is a good chance someone else is not and I borrow some motivation.
·        Its like family – the members have become like family it’s the sense of belonging.

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