Friday, February 24, 2012

Perspective is key…

No matter what changes you are making in your life there are always discouraging moments.  It is not wrong to feel this way although if you continue to let the same things pile up and wear you down it is going to make you want to quit.  You know that quitting isn’t the answer even if it feels like what you are doing is pointless.  On a journey for a healthier lifestyle such as ours the scale is often the trigger of these feelings and when week after week you don’t see a loss or even see a gain it can pile up and make you want to quit.  This is when perspective is key. 
Is your glass half full or half empty?  Ever notice that when you focus on the negative it seems to multiply?  Its like fueling a fire…If the gas line to the fire is wide open it will burn forever, if you cut off the source the fire will burn itself out.  The fuel for this fire is our thoughts.  Even though the scale may not be telling you what you want to hear, these changes have so many benefits that are not visible to the eye. “Don’t judge a book by its cover” the inside is making so many changes it is going to take time.  You didn’t gain 50 pounds overnight you are not going to lose it overnight!  Here are some suggestions that may help you fight the discouragement and continue on with your journey.
  1. Read a book – find a book that is motivational to you.  This doesn’t mean that it has to be a self-help book although there are some good ones out there.  It can be a fiction book with a happy ending or a novel or whatever you like to read.  Focus on this book until you feel your discouragement subside.
  2. “You possess what you confess” – I seen this saying in an article and I think I like it.  Remember how I mentioned that when we gain we use the “muscle weighs more than fat” card even though we know it is more the junk we have been feeding our bodies?  This saying makes me think about that.  We have to stop with the excuses and confess to ourselves! Meaning be honest with yourself about what you are doing.
  3. Revisit journaling!  As we progress on our journey we often start slipping on our journaling.  Or maybe you are keeping up with it but are just numb when you write it not really paying attention to the list.  Jump back to faithfully writing in a food journal. If you bite it write it!  If you are still doing this look back over it and you may find the culprit of the weight loss halt.
  4. STRESS!  Stress is a major factor.  Are you overdoing it?  Is your life a bit hectic lately?  What can you do to release a bit of stress?  Take some time for yourself and let a little go.
  5. Rest! – We lead very busy lifestyles and often don’t give our bodies the rest it needs.  Be sure to give yourself time to rest and recover.  A little TLC.

Cut the fuel to the fire, change the thoughts that are feeding the discouragement.  This brings to mind another favorite quote for me….

“Change your thoughts, change your world”

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