Friday, February 24, 2012

Perspective is key…

No matter what changes you are making in your life there are always discouraging moments.  It is not wrong to feel this way although if you continue to let the same things pile up and wear you down it is going to make you want to quit.  You know that quitting isn’t the answer even if it feels like what you are doing is pointless.  On a journey for a healthier lifestyle such as ours the scale is often the trigger of these feelings and when week after week you don’t see a loss or even see a gain it can pile up and make you want to quit.  This is when perspective is key. 
Is your glass half full or half empty?  Ever notice that when you focus on the negative it seems to multiply?  Its like fueling a fire…If the gas line to the fire is wide open it will burn forever, if you cut off the source the fire will burn itself out.  The fuel for this fire is our thoughts.  Even though the scale may not be telling you what you want to hear, these changes have so many benefits that are not visible to the eye. “Don’t judge a book by its cover” the inside is making so many changes it is going to take time.  You didn’t gain 50 pounds overnight you are not going to lose it overnight!  Here are some suggestions that may help you fight the discouragement and continue on with your journey.
  1. Read a book – find a book that is motivational to you.  This doesn’t mean that it has to be a self-help book although there are some good ones out there.  It can be a fiction book with a happy ending or a novel or whatever you like to read.  Focus on this book until you feel your discouragement subside.
  2. “You possess what you confess” – I seen this saying in an article and I think I like it.  Remember how I mentioned that when we gain we use the “muscle weighs more than fat” card even though we know it is more the junk we have been feeding our bodies?  This saying makes me think about that.  We have to stop with the excuses and confess to ourselves! Meaning be honest with yourself about what you are doing.
  3. Revisit journaling!  As we progress on our journey we often start slipping on our journaling.  Or maybe you are keeping up with it but are just numb when you write it not really paying attention to the list.  Jump back to faithfully writing in a food journal. If you bite it write it!  If you are still doing this look back over it and you may find the culprit of the weight loss halt.
  4. STRESS!  Stress is a major factor.  Are you overdoing it?  Is your life a bit hectic lately?  What can you do to release a bit of stress?  Take some time for yourself and let a little go.
  5. Rest! – We lead very busy lifestyles and often don’t give our bodies the rest it needs.  Be sure to give yourself time to rest and recover.  A little TLC.

Cut the fuel to the fire, change the thoughts that are feeding the discouragement.  This brings to mind another favorite quote for me….

“Change your thoughts, change your world”

Monday, February 20, 2012


How do you feel about competition?  Ever notice that sometimes everything seems like a competition.  Some of my past topics have discussed comparing yourself to others and a younger you but something I tend to overlook is what effect does my competitiveness have on the people around me.  I don’t like to lose but then again who does?  I am talking more about the uninvited competition.  We all have that one acquaintance that is always one step ahead and makes damn sure you know about it.  Just like we all have that friend, I am sure at some point or another we are viewed as that person by others after all I wouldn’t think that people set out to torment a friend on a regular basis.  Often times the people we feel we are competing against don’t even realize their actions.

On this journey, I am talking about the person that just happens to be a size smaller than you and wants to hand down their fat clothes to you.  In some instances you might not give it much thought but in others it can completely torment you.  Imagine (or maybe you have experienced it too) handing a pair of jeans to a friend and saying: “here I bought these jeans but they are just WAY to big for me I thought maybe you could fit them” instantly I am offended.  So on the defense I try them on and can’t get them up let alone think about buttoning them.  Even though I am in the best shape I have ever been right now I feel like a beached whale and completely awful about myself.  Now imagine if you would have said, “I bought this pair of jeans that don’t fit would you like to try them?” You still have the same intentions but my self-esteem is still in tact whether they fit or not. 
Make sure you picture yourself on both ends of that scenario.  Does it make you feel better by knowing that you are that much smaller?  Or how about that the other person thinks of you as smaller but not really in a size aspect?  To me this whole thing is a self-esteem issue.  You feel great about your success and it makes it even better if you are more successful than anyone else.  Don’t try to deny it; it is the way of our society, ever heard of “keeping up with the Jones’? Who doesn’t want to be the Jones’?
But we have to remember you are the only one that can put a value on your self-esteem/self worth.  Meaning someone else does not set whether you are self worthy or not.  Only you decide that so the size difference only matters if you let it.  Obviously that is easier said than done.  On the flip side, consider how you are making others feel.  I am going to leave you with this question:

If you could climb Mt. Everest but could tell no one, would you still do it?
If you could wear a size 5 jeans but never mention it would you still be so worried about the number on the tag?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Celebrate and reward yourself!

Last week I talked about results, this week I need to be reminded on how to reward myself.  How many of you get a great report from the scales, the doctor or the measuring tapes and celebrates with food?  And if you are like me it is not good food it is the bad for you stuff that got us in this predicament in the first place!

I was so happy with the results of my measurements last week and this week I have been eating like crap, to put it mildly.  Seems as though I can’t get enough sweets.  So I started off feeling great about myself and now not only am I not real happy with myself I feel a bit sluggish too.  This always makes me think of a conversation I had with my Grandma, about always rewarding ourselves with dessert.  So here is a reminder for us all about celebrating our successes.

6 Suggestions on rewards:
  1. A day of rest and relaxation, get a massage or just let yourself relax.
  2. Buy yourself something such as a new pair of shoes or something that has been on your wish list even something to help continue to your overall goal
  3. Share your success! And accept the compliments.  Everyone likes a pat on the back once in a while.
  4. Spend a day doing activities with the family. Go bowling, skating or to a movie.
  5. Do something you enjoy but rarely have time to do.
  6. Reflect on your journey.

Here are some reasons to celebrate:
  1. Clarity – if we set measurable goals it is clear reason to celebrate
  2. Motivation to continue – We get a sense of accomplishment when we meet a goal and if we reward/celebrate it makes those successes stand out and make you want to reach the next goal.
  3. Creativity – a sense of accomplishment makes us feel good which frees up creative thoughts within and when we feel good we are more positive.
  4. Quicker results – All the above combine to keep us productive and lead to quicker results because we stay focused.

That was a much-needed reminder for me!  It is easy to slide back into old habits, if we keep this up pretty soon this will be an old habit.  Stay focused, what is your next goal?  I would love to be able to share some of your successes; you can email them ( or stop in and share.  Hearing other people’s successes is great motivation also!  I have heard probably at least 5 times this week people mentioning that they can tell they are making a difference and it never gets old. Great job, and keep up the good work!