Monday, August 29, 2011

Life Triggers

Well I made it to the end of the dreaded second week.  The second week seems like it is the hardest for me. Apparently I am not alone, if you ever watch the Biggest Loser the second week is hard for them too.  I am pretty proud of this second week…I am down another 1.4 pounds!
As for the book I started reading in last weeks post…I must admit it is a really great book!  The book is called Love Hunger.  It is talking about being an overeater because of life happenings.  Kind of relates it too alcoholism and walks you through footpaths similar to the twelve step program.  Believe me I was skeptical just like you.  The more I read the more I related.  And the more I caught myself throughout the days thinking “Oh wow this is what it was talking about”.  So I guess I am working through the denial stage and on to accepting that I am an over eater.  I eat for everything! Now I am trying to recognize my triggers.  What moods or situations trigger my cravings?  The loss of a family pet, Stormy, has been extremely tough, the kids loved that horse.  It has been hard to avoid stuffing my feelings with chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk.  Thank goodness I would have to bake the cookies first.  Another thing “Love Hunger” has made me realize is that I am a fixer.  I want to fix everything for everyone and when I can’t I over indulge to “sedate” myself or drown my sorrows so to speak.  I tend to carry the problems of the world on my shoulders.  I guess this kind of relates back to the struggling to ask for help.  I make everything my problem and then beat myself up trying to fix it. 

One of my friends gave me some great advice.  He said, “Accept it and move on” and that statement couldn’t be more perfect for my journey.  I have always loved the statement “Accept the things you cannot change; change the things you cannot accept” which fits with the advice from my friend.  I cannot change the passing of Stormy nor can I change the way other people think, feel and act; but I can change the way I handle my own thoughts, feelings and actions.  I have repeated these words (Accept it and move on) in my head several times already. This will be my motivation this week…what things in my life do I need to just accept and move past?  How about you? What situations in your life can you accept and move on?  I am not perfect and while I know that I don’t often accept it.  I am going to work on accepting whom I am at any given moment and that I am striving to be MY best.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Help? Eating Disorder?

Help? Over-eater?

Had a great visit with a friend this week.  As we were visiting she pointed out one of those things that you know but you don’t really think about until it smacks you in the face.  She said, “You don’t like to ask for help” she was absolutely right!  So often in life I feel like if I ask for help I have failed or I will show weakness.  I have to stop myself and think…would I give this advice to a friend?  Sometimes I am my own worst enemy; if it were anyone else would I think this way?  The answer is no; in fact I think a lot of people who can ask for help when they need it.  It shows great strength to ask for help.  So my actual weakness is NOT asking for help.  So why is it we expect to be able to make a lifestyle change alone?  This journey is about making significant changes in my lifestyle.  Sharing it with you is my outreach for help and offer to support you at the same time.

Also on my visit my friend shared a book about being an over eater and recognizing just what it is that you are trying to fill with food.  This was also an eye opener for me.  I guess I never really viewed my weight problem being an eating disorder.  Maybe that has been one of my obstacles that have prevented me from reaching and maintaining a “normal” or healthier weight.  I have just started reading this book and while I do find some things I can relate to I am not convinced that I can label myself with this “disease”.  Maybe I am in the denial stage.  Part of me feels that if I accept that I am an over eater I am accepting another excuse.  Part of me feels that I should be saying: duh.  Like I said I just started the book and I suspect that I have a lot to learn with this one.  Emotions are a big part of my diet.

On a little lighter note…I lost 2.2 pounds this week!  How did you do?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses!!

Oh ya we all have them and most of us have had them for just about everything.  What is funny is most of the excuses we come up with are to convince ourselves that something we are doing or not doing is acceptable. 
            “My house is a wreck because I work so much and I am never there.”  “I just don’t have time to exercise.” “It is too expensive to heat healthy.” “I really don’t eat that bad”  “I am not losing weight because I don’t eat enough and my stores everything” “My weight falls in the ‘overweight’ category because muscle weighs more than fat” “I am big-boned” I could go on and on in fact I could possibly be known as the queen of excuses.  The worst part of it all is that we believe them!  It is time to put them to the test and really call us out.   I am sure you are nodding recognizing some of the same excuses you have used a time or two or you are relating to some of your own.  Everyone does it (another general excuse).
So I challenge you and myself to put your excuses to the test and then put them to rest.  I will go through a few of mine for example.  First the excuse that my house is a mess, while I do work a lot trying to get my business off the ground I really can’t say that I work that much more than the average American.  So why is it others manage to keep their house in an orderly fashion?  Priority that is why, I have not placed it high enough on my scale of priorities instead I convince myself that I am overworked and I should sit and relax.  And wouldn’t you know it instantly I am EXHAUSTED.  So what is my plan?  I am going to allot one hour each day for house work until I am caught up and then 30 minutes each day to maintain it with a deep clean on the weekends.  That is doable right?
Next is the exercise,  “I just don’t have time” Wow this excuse works for about everything.  Lucky for me this one is not a huge issue for me, I do operate a fitness center.  But I too occasionally slip into an exercise rut, it has not always been my case and I still have to make a conscious effort.  I am only human.  What works best for me is that I ENJOY it.  Its an hour that is for me and believe me that is a treat when you have 2 small children.  Do I always get that hour? Unfortunately no. So now what?  Well I teach aerobics classes so that makes it a job and not just a luxury…people are counting on me.  Also, exercise incorporates so many things its not all jumping jacks and sit-ups but it does require movement.  My kids love to go on a bike ride or a walk…one thing about kids they love to move!  I know right now half of you are reading this building excuse on top of excuse as to why this is not working for you.  Remember we are putting the excuses to rest.  Plan of action: find some movement that is a treat for you.  If you have trouble come see me at Your Life Fitness! (Had to slip a plug in there you know you expected it)  Ok on with the excuses…
The next series of excuses kind of fall into the same category for me: being overweight.  This has been an issue for me my whole life so believe me I have some pretty great excuses.  It’s my parents fault. 8-) Just kidding.  My best is current excuse is “I exercise a lot (4-6 times a week) so I am sure I am not eating enough calories to fuel my body in my active lifestyle and it is storing everything.”   The is such a good one because it has a lot of truth in it.  How many of you are fitting this into your life right now?  STOP IT!  Let me break down the “truths”  I do exercise 4-6 times a week and I also spend a lot of time doing bookwork and planning on the computer (and then relaxing instead of housework)  I tested this with the walking club “Steps to a better You” if you missed this watch for it next summer.  We wore pedometers to track our steps all day long.  The daily target is 10,000 steps per day.  Trust me I don’t move as much as I thought.  Granted some movements just don’t track.  Look how easy I slipped in another excuse!  So I don’t move as much as I thought… Next “truth”: I don’t eat enough.  That is true except I missed the key words.  I don’t eat enough of the right things.  Just the other day I started using a food and activity tracker online.  I had been using one but it was categorizing an estimated calorie count between good, ok and bad.  Problem is I was the one categorizing and estimating the calories.   So I started using and so far I love it. I don’t necessarily like the realization but great program.  I can log the actual food and portions that I am eating and also my daily activities even the hour of housekeeping that I will be doing.  The program then analyzes my diet and shows graphs of the different nutrients that my body needs vs what I am eating.  I was well aware that I could be eating better I just didn’t realize just how bad it was because I have been making excuses and believing them.  Plan of action is to keep tracking, change what I am eating and to take you all with me for accountability.  This is my favorite thing about the program…you can share with others.  Just like on Facebook you can friend other users.  You can control what information is public and who is able to see it.  You can also keep a journal and leave messages for your friends.  How is that for accountability?  So if you would like to take this journey with me find me on my username is mscordell.  I would love some company and I don’t have any friends yet.  I will also be keeping a journal for the next 12 weeks and I will make that public to my friends as well. 
Excuses keep us on this vicious circle.  I am going to be more real with myself after all I am the one and only that is truly affected by my excuses.  The  saying “You are only cheating yourself” is oh so true!
Join me in putting the excuses to the test and then to rest.  Be my friend and take this journey with me at or follow my journal also on Facebook at Your Life Fitness and The Good Life CafĂ©.  Let the journey begin!