Thursday, June 21, 2012

New book to read!

I saw a book on the Good Morning America show that I cannot wait to read.  It is called Fit2 Fat 2Fit by Drew Manning.  Drew is a natural fitness junkie and personal trainer who had never been overweight in his life.  He felt that in order to really help his clients meet their goals he needed to be able to understand what it was like for them.  So for 6 months he “let himself go” he stopped exercising and ate the typical American diet of fast and processed foods.  He gained 75 pounds in the 6 months!  The interesting part is that he documented his journey.  On the GMA show I enjoyed hearing him and his wife talk about the unexpected emotional changes they both experienced and I look forward to reading about them in his book.  In my opinion, one thing that is most often missed on the weight loss journey is the emotional changes.  So many times you don’t even realize your own emotional state let alone someone else’s battle.  Just like Drew, he had never experienced the battle of weight loss and had no idea what his clients were trying to overcome.
The emotions are something you can talk and talk about but until you really experience the journey it is hard to truly believe the difference you feel when you make positive changes.  You may also think “then why is it so easy to slip backwards?”  My thoughts on that are we so often stand in our own way.  Subconsciously we don’t believe we are worth it, we have spent so much time feeling fat and lazy that we have to rebuild that self-esteem to know that we deserve to feel this way.  I remember when I first started Weight Watchers I had attended 2 meeting at two different times trying to decide if it was for me and if it was worth the money.  The second meeting I was sitting there after class waiting to talk to the presenter and someone came up to me and I started talking about trying to make my decision when she just looked at me and said “Aren’t YOU worth it?” I had never really thought about it that way, that night I decided I was in deed worth it and I joined WW to lose 30 pounds!  Sometimes the best advice is so small and you just have to read between the lines.  A few of the little pieces of advice that have hit home for me are “Aren’t you worth it?” “Quit sabotaging yourself!” and “Accept it and move on.”  The last one came at an inappropriate yet perfect time.  There are so many things in life that we dwell on when in fact we cannot move on until we just accept it.  That may be the first step in your journey, accepting what and where you are in life and accepting that you are ready to change or move on.  This can take us all the way back to the first article of my journey “No Excuses” If you are still making excuses you have not accepted your reality.
 I can’t wait to read this and share some of Drew’s lessons.

On a side note!  I have added a new line of products at Your Life Fitness. It Works! Has a line of supplements, skin care, and body wraps to tighten, tone and firm in just minutes!  Some people have already had great results, stop in and try some! You can also check out the product line on my website at

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

It is all a matter of perspective…

In every journey there are set backs or obstacles. But are they really setbacks?  I have had some changes in my life lately that I have been dwelling on as a set back in my journey.  I keep telling myself that everything happens for a reason but can’t seem to really wrap my head around it.  This week some quotes seem to be lingering in my head: “It’s all a matter of perspective” and “Change your thoughts, Change your world.”   We will be expanding our family this fall, while I am not a well organized and planned out person I do like to plan the big things in life and this surprise has thrown me for a loop!  It is all a matter of perspective. I have been stuck on all the ways that my days are going to get more demanding and I have forgot to see the blessing this brings.  I don’t know what I would do without my kids and I am sure that it won’t be long before I cannot imagine myself without the three of them.  I have been so stuck that someone walked by me on the street the other day and said congratulations and honestly for a minute I seriously wondered what she was talking about.  It is time to change my perspective. 
Whether the change in your journey is a pregnancy, an injury, a career change or whatever it may be it is only a negative change if we allow it to be.  After all, our entire journey is all about change, right?  Thoughts and perspective are not something that can change overnight, however sometimes we do have that one moment that it is like a light bulb comes on over your head and you can see through the fog.  We have to realize that we create that fog and maybe with practice the fog will get less and less.  Every so called obstacle that comes our way is an opportunity we just have to stay clear minded to be able to see what that opportunity may be.

There is an app on Facebook called God Wants You to Know, it sends you messages and sometimes it happens to really fit your day.  Today happens to be one of those days, I just took a break from writing this and looked at my message, this is what it said:

“On this day of your life, we believe God wants you to know ... that when events happen which seem catastrophic, it is not only possible, but very important for you to allow yourself to come to a place of calmness.
Panicking serves no one - not yourself, not the people who are suffering, and not the planet. Allow yourself to trust that there is a larger purpose and that it may not be necessary for you to know that purpose at this time. Allow yourself to have faith that ultimately, all will be well.”

 I thought it fit this article well and wanted to share.  So whatever it is that you feel is standing in your way it is time to change your perspective and welcome the opportunity.  It only remains as an obstacle as long as you let it.  You may feel that an injury takes away your ability to stick with your exercise routine when it may just be an opportunity to find your ability to do something different.